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Which of the following correctly lists special purpose codes that are to be used in conjunction with Secondary Surveillance Radar SSR ? Evaluation > landing

exemple question 116
Distress 77 hijacking 75 communication failure 76.

When should the latest QNH altimeter setting for the aerodrome be obtained ?

exemple question 118
When should latest qnh altimeter setting the aerodrome be obtained Prior to descending below transition level.

When should the flight crew shall be provided with the transition level ?

exemple question 119
When should flight crew shall be provided with transition level In due time prior to reaching it during descent.

exemple question 120
The calculated height of transition altitude shall be rounded up to next full In due time prior to reaching it during descent. icao doc 8168 2 1 2 transition altitude 2 1 2 4 the height above aerodrome of transition altitude shall be as low as possible but normally not less than 900 m (3 000 ft) 2 1 2 5 the calculated height of transition altitude shall be rounded up to next full 300 m (1000 ft).

exemple question 121
Omnidirectional departure normally allow departure in any direction if any restriction exist restricted areas/sectors are described means of In due time prior to reaching it during descent. icao doc 8168 2 1 2 transition altitude 2 1 2 4 the height above aerodrome of transition altitude shall be as low as possible but normally not less than 900 m (3 000 ft) 2 1 2 5 the calculated height of transition altitude shall be rounded up to next full 300 m (1000 ft).

exemple question 122
Unless otherwise published or instructed atc all turns after initial entry into holding pattern shall be made into which direction In due time prior to reaching it during descent. A standard holding pattern uses right hand turns takes approximately 4 minutes to complete (one minute each 180 degree turn two one minute straight ahead sections).

exemple question 123
Altimeter pressure settings provided to aircraft shall be rounded Down to next hectopascal. A standard holding pattern uses right hand turns takes approximately 4 minutes to complete (one minute each 180 degree turn two one minute straight ahead sections).

For construction of precision approaches which the operationally preferred glide path angle Down to next hectopascal. icao doc 8168 5 6 precision approach glide path angle/elevation angle for ils/mls/gls following minimum optimum maximum glide path angles/elevation angles are established minimum 2 5° optimum 3 0° maximum 3 5° (3° cat ii/iii operations).

In an instrument approach procedures what the name of segment connecting initial and final approach segments Intermediate segment. Doc 8168 chapter 4 intermediate approach segment this the segment during which aircraft speed configuration should be adjusted to prepare aircraft final approach for this reason descent gradient kept as shallow as possible during intermediate approach obstacle clearance requirement reduces from 300 m (984 ft) to 150 m (492 ft) in primary area reducing laterally to zero at outer edge of secondary area .

The fixes connecting arrival segment and final approach fix or point are Intermediate segment. Ecqb october 2017 ulc/caa poland iaf initial approach fix if intermediate fix faf/fap final approach fix or point mapt missed approach point.

When should flight crew shall be provided with transition level Before beginning initial approach to an aerodrome. Ecqb04 october 2017 icao doc8168 3 5 approach and landing 3 5 1 before beginning initial approach to an aerodrome number of transition level shall be obtained note the transition level normally obtained from appropriate air traffic services unit 3 5 2 before descending below transition level latest qnh altimeter setting the aerodrome shall be obtained note the latest qnh altimeter setting the aerodrome normally obtained from appropriate air traffic services unit 3 5 3 as aircraft descends through transition level reference the vertical position of aircraft shall be changed from flight levels (1 013 2 hpa) to altitudes (qnh) from this point on vertical position of aircraft shall be expressed in terms of altitudes.

Approach segments in an instrument approach procedures during intermediate segment The aircraft speed configuration should be adjusted to prepare aircraft final approach. Doc 8168 chapter 4 intermediate approach segment this the segment during which aircraft speed configuration should be adjusted to prepare aircraft final approach for this reason descent gradient kept as shallow as possible the final approach segment the segment in which alignment descent landing are made.

Approach segments in an instrument approach procedures during initial segment The aircraft leaves en route structure is manoeuvring to enter intermediate approach segment. Ecqb04 november 2017 doc 8168 chapter 4 the initial approach segment begins at initial approach fix (iaf) ends at intermediate fix (if) in initial approach aircraft has left en route structure is manoeuvring to enter intermediate approach segment intermediate approach segment this the segment during which aircraft speed configuration should be adjusted to prepare aircraft final approach for this reason descent gradient kept as shallow as possible the final approach segment the segment in which alignment descent landing are made.

A control zone shall extend laterally to at least 5 nm from centre of aerodrome or aerodromes concerned in direction from which approaches may be made. A control zone a controlled airspace extending upwards from surface of earth to a specified upper limit annex 11 air traffic services 2 10 5 control zones 2 10 5 1 the lateral limits of control zones shall encompass at least those portions of airspace which are not within control areas containing paths of ifr flights arriving at departing from aerodromes to be used under instrument meteorological conditions 2 10 5 2 the lateral limits of a control zone shall extend to at least 9 3 km (5 nm) from centre of aerodrome or aerodromes concerned in directions from which approaches may be made.

A controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above earth 5 nm from centre of aerodrome or aerodromes concerned in direction from which approaches may be made. Pans atm doc4444 control zone (ctr) controlled airspace extending upwards from surface of earth to a specified upper limit controlled airspace an airspace of defined dimensions within which air traffic control service provided in accordance with airspace classification note controlled airspace a generic term which covers ats airspace classes a b c d e control area (cta) a controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above earth advisory airspace an airspace of defined dimensions or designated route within which air traffic advisory service available.

A controlled airspace extending upwards from surface of earth to a specified upper limit 5 nm from centre of aerodrome or aerodromes concerned in direction from which approaches may be made. Pans atm doc4444 control zone (ctr) controlled airspace extending upwards from surface of earth to a specified upper limit controlled airspace an airspace of defined dimensions within which air traffic control service provided in accordance with airspace classification note controlled airspace a generic term which covers ats airspace classes a b c d e control area (cta) a controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above earth advisory airspace an airspace of defined dimensions or designated route within which air traffic advisory service available.

Which the content of section 2 of air report airep Estimated time of arrival (eta) endurance. Pans atm doc4444 control zone (ctr) controlled airspace extending upwards from surface of earth to a specified upper limit controlled airspace an airspace of defined dimensions within which air traffic control service provided in accordance with airspace classification note controlled airspace a generic term which covers ats airspace classes a b c d e control area (cta) a controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above earth advisory airspace an airspace of defined dimensions or designated route within which air traffic advisory service available.

A lower limit of a control area shall be established at a height above ground level or water of not less than Estimated time of arrival (eta) endurance. Pans atm doc4444 control area (cta) a controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above earth it a volume of controlled airspace that exists in vicinity of an airport it has a specified lower level a specified upper level a cta a box of airspace that does not touch surface of earth annex 11 air traffic services specified a lower limit at a height above ground or water of not less than 200 m (700 ft).

A minimum vertical separation shall be provided until aircraft are established inbound on ils localizer course and/or mls final approach track this minimum when independent parallel approaches are being conducted Estimated time of arrival (eta) endurance. Doc pans atm 4444 6 7 3 2 4 a minimum of 300 m (1000 ft) vertical separation or subject to radar system situation display capabilities a minimum of 5 6 km (3 0 nm) radar separation shall be provided until aircraft are established a) inbound on ils localizer course and/or mls final approach track and b) within normal operating zone (noz).

A 'rnav' distance based separation minimum may be used at time level crossed provided that each aircraft reports its distance to or from same 'on track' way point this minimum Estimated time of arrival (eta) endurance. Doc 4444 5 4 2 6 longitudinal separation minima based on distance using rnav where rnp is specified 5 4 2 6 2 separation shall be established maintaining not less than specified distance between aircraft positions as reported reference to same 'on track' common point whenever possible ahead of both aircraft or means of an automated position reporting system figure 5 26a 150 km (80 nm) rnav based separation between aircraft climbing on same track.

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