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In a vibration monitoring system a filter 1 Erases any output which is normal to the engine2 Allows through to the amplifier any frequency that is ?

Regulation > weather

exemple reponse 146
correct 2 correct. Revised ecqb03 july 2016 the gas turbine aircraft engine vibration indicating system features include engine curls rotation frequency measurement with two independent measuring channels vibration level measurement with multiple engine mounted piezoelectric sensors using digital broadband filters on each vibration sensor or digital monitoring narrow band filters on curls main harmonics frequencies as well as a comparison of measured extreme limits of vibration 'excessive vibration' 'vibration limit' signals formed when limits are exceeded no specific unit displayed a vibration monitoring system.

Other study patent: Telepilote theorique examen 41

Torque measurement is based on ?

exemple reponse 147
Torque measurement based on Twist of torque shaft of a known length. torque can also be determined measuring change in phase between torque shaft the reference shaft.

For an engine vibration indicator vibration monitoring system ?

exemple reponse 148
For an engine vibration indicator vibration monitoring system No specific unit displayed. Feedback cqb15 may 2012 no specific unit displayed a vibration monitoring system.

  • exemple reponse 149
    Given p = power t = torque n = rpmthe correct relationship No specific unit displayed. Feedback cqb15 may 2012 no specific unit displayed a vibration monitoring system.

  • exemple reponse 150
    A unit commonly used to calculate fuel flow consumption No specific unit displayed. The following units are used fuel flow when measured mass per hour kilogrammes/hour pounds/hour the following units used fuel flow when measured volume per hour liters/hour us gallons/hour.

  • exemple reponse 151
    The pressure measured A force per unit area. The following units are used fuel flow when measured mass per hour kilogrammes/hour pounds/hour the following units used fuel flow when measured volume per hour liters/hour us gallons/hour.

  • exemple reponse 152
    Which of following components converts heat into a mechanical movement A force per unit area. a bimetallic strip used to convert a temperature change into mechanical displacement the strip consists of two strips of different metals which expand at different rates as they are heated usually steel copper or in some cases steel brass the strips are joined together throughout their length riveting brazing or welding the different expansions force flat strip to bend one way if heated in opposite direction if cooled below its initial temperature the metal with higher coefficient of thermal expansion on outer side of curve when strip heated on inner side when cooled.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 8

    A torque may be expressed in A force per unit area. The following units are used torque newton meters inch or foot pounds.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 9

    The different types of tachometers are 1 electrical2 mechanical3 electronicthe combination that regroups all of correct statements A force per unit area. the following types of tachometers are used in aviation mechanical (rotating magnet) electrical (three phase tacho generator) electronic (impulse measurement with speed probe phonic wheel).

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 10

    By integrating a flow with respect to time we obtain A force per unit area. Cqb15 august 2012 the following units are used fuel flow when measured mass per hour kilogrammes/hour pounds/hour the following units used fuel flow when measured volume per hour liters/hour us gallons/hour.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 11

    On a multi engine aircraft a synchroscope provides Qualitative indication of difference in speed between engines. Cqb15 august 2012 synchroscope example of display beechcraft baron 58 cockpit.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 12

    The operating principle of an oil torque meter 1 axial movement generated helically cut gears2 axial force proportional to torque correct 2 correct. Revised ecqb03 july 2016.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 13

    On an twin engined aeroplane synchroscope uses following principle It measures frequency difference between two engines driven alternators. Revised ecqb03 july 2016 the purpose of a synchroscope to reduce structural vibration noise the synchronizing system ensures that propeller speeds are all same this achieved an electrical system that compares speed signals from engine mounted generators (engines driven alternators) out of balance signals using one engine as a master signal are automatically corrected electrically trimming engine speeds until all signals are equal.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 14

    An oil torque meter makes use of followings phenomenon Axial movement generated when hellicaly cut gears are used to transfer power from one shaft to another. Revised ecqb03 july 2016 the purpose of a synchroscope to reduce structural vibration noise the synchronizing system ensures that propeller speeds are all same this achieved an electrical system that compares speed signals from engine mounted generators (engines driven alternators) out of balance signals using one engine as a master signal are automatically corrected electrically trimming engine speeds until all signals are equal.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 15

    On an electronic display unit source of vibrations sensed an engine vibration monitoring system Can be displayed (n or n2). Revised ecqb03 july 2016 the purpose of a synchroscope to reduce structural vibration noise the synchronizing system ensures that propeller speeds are all same this achieved an electrical system that compares speed signals from engine mounted generators (engines driven alternators) out of balance signals using one engine as a master signal are automatically corrected electrically trimming engine speeds until all signals are equal.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 16

    On an electronic display unit following n1 parameters can be displayed 1 present n12 commanded n13 maximum n1 operating limitthe combination that regroups all of correct statements Can be displayed (n or n2). Revised ecqb03 july 2016 the purpose of a synchroscope to reduce structural vibration noise the synchronizing system ensures that propeller speeds are all same this achieved an electrical system that compares speed signals from engine mounted generators (engines driven alternators) out of balance signals using one engine as a master signal are automatically corrected electrically trimming engine speeds until all signals are equal.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 17

    On a n1 indicator maximum n1 admissible May be greater than %. Revised ecqb03 july 2016 the purpose of a synchroscope to reduce structural vibration noise the synchronizing system ensures that propeller speeds are all same this achieved an electrical system that compares speed signals from engine mounted generators (engines driven alternators) out of balance signals using one engine as a master signal are automatically corrected electrically trimming engine speeds until all signals are equal.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 18

    Concerning thrust measurement n1 defined as Low pressure shaft speed. Revised ecqb03 july 2016 the purpose of a synchroscope to reduce structural vibration noise the synchronizing system ensures that propeller speeds are all same this achieved an electrical system that compares speed signals from engine mounted generators (engines driven alternators) out of balance signals using one engine as a master signal are automatically corrected electrically trimming engine speeds until all signals are equal.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 19

    Engine speed most commonly displayed as a Percentage of a maximum engine speed. Revised ecqb03 july 2016 the purpose of a synchroscope to reduce structural vibration noise the synchronizing system ensures that propeller speeds are all same this achieved an electrical system that compares speed signals from engine mounted generators (engines driven alternators) out of balance signals using one engine as a master signal are automatically corrected electrically trimming engine speeds until all signals are equal.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 20

    A fuel flow meter located In high pressure fuel line to burners. Revised ecqb03 july 2016 the purpose of a synchroscope to reduce structural vibration noise the synchronizing system ensures that propeller speeds are all same this achieved an electrical system that compares speed signals from engine mounted generators (engines driven alternators) out of balance signals using one engine as a master signal are automatically corrected electrically trimming engine speeds until all signals are equal.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 21

    Fuel flow can be expressed in 1 kg per m32 lb per m33 lb per hour4 kg per hourthe combination that regroups all of correct statements In high pressure fuel line to burners. Ecqb03 july 2016 the following units are used fuel flow when measured mass per hour kilogrammes/hour pounds(lb)/hour the following units used fuel flow when measured volume per hour liters/hour us gallons/hour.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 22

    Total fuel consumption obtained Integrating fuel flow with respect to time. Ecqb03 july 2016 the following units are used fuel flow when measured mass per hour kilogrammes/hour pounds(lb)/hour the following units used fuel flow when measured volume per hour liters/hour us gallons/hour.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 23

    Which of these statements about fuel quantity measurement are correct or incorrect 1 the quantity of fuel can be measured volume2 the quantity of fuel can be measured mass correct 2 correct. Ecqb03 july 2016 the following units are used fuel flow when measured mass per hour kilogrammes/hour pounds(lb)/hour the following units used fuel flow when measured volume per hour liters/hour us gallons/hour.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 24

    Which of these statements about fuel mass unit correct correct 2 correct. 1 kg = 2 2 pounds (lbs).

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 25

    Given q = charge coulombs u = potential difference between plates volt the capacitance c farads defined as correct 2 correct. Ecqb03 july 2016 c the capacitance coulomb the quantity of electricity transported in 1 second a current of 1 ampere u the stored energy.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 26

    The value shown the indicator of a vibration monitoring system 4 this A level of vibration without any unit. the gas turbine aircraft engine vibration indicating system features include engine curls rotation frequency measurement with two independent measuring channels vibration level measurement with multiple engine mounted piezoelectric sensors using digital broadband filters on each vibration sensor or digital monitoring narrow band filters on curls main harmonics frequencies as well as a comparison of measured extreme limits of vibration 'excessive vibration' 'vibration limit' signals formed when limits are exceeded no specific unit displayed a vibration monitoring system.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 27

    The types of sensors used in an engine vibration monitoring system may be 1 magnetic2 tachometer3 piezo electric crystalthe combination that regroups all of correct statements A level of vibration without any unit. the gas turbine aircraft engine vibration indicating system features include engine curls rotation frequency measurement with two independent measuring channels vibration level measurement with multiple engine mounted piezoelectric sensors using digital broadband filters on each vibration sensor or digital monitoring narrow band filters on curls main harmonics frequencies as well as a comparison of measured extreme limits of vibration 'excessive vibration' 'vibration limit' signals formed when limits are exceeded no specific unit displayed a vibration monitoring system.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 28

    On a twin engined aeroplane synchroscope can consist of A rotor fed the alternator driven the master engine a stator fed the alternator driven the engine to synchronised. Ecqb03 july 2016 the purpose of a synchroscope to reduce structural vibration noise the synchronizing system ensures that propeller speeds are all same this achieved an electrical system that compares speed signals from engine mounted generators (engines driven alternators) out of balance signals using one engine as a master signal are automatically corrected electrically trimming engine speeds until all signals are equal synchroscope example of display beechcraft baron 58 cockpit.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 29

    Vibration indicated in cockpit as A rotor fed the alternator driven the master engine a stator fed the alternator driven the engine to synchronised. Revised ecqb03 july 2016 the engine vibration monitoring on a turbojet engine indicates any vibration resulting from an imbalance on rotation parts of engine the gas turbine aircraft engine vibration indicating system features include engine curls rotation frequency measurement with two independent measuring channels vibration level measurement with multiple engine mounted piezoelectric sensors using digital broadband filters on each vibration sensor or digital monitoring narrow band filters on curls main harmonics frequencies as well as a comparison of measured extreme limits of vibration 'excessive vibration' 'vibration limit' signals formed when limits are exceeded no specific unit displayed a vibration monitoring system.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 30

    Given p = powert = torqueomega = angular velocitythe correct relationship A rotor fed the alternator driven the master engine a stator fed the alternator driven the engine to synchronised. Revised ecqb03 july 2016 the engine vibration monitoring on a turbojet engine indicates any vibration resulting from an imbalance on rotation parts of engine the gas turbine aircraft engine vibration indicating system features include engine curls rotation frequency measurement with two independent measuring channels vibration level measurement with multiple engine mounted piezoelectric sensors using digital broadband filters on each vibration sensor or digital monitoring narrow band filters on curls main harmonics frequencies as well as a comparison of measured extreme limits of vibration 'excessive vibration' 'vibration limit' signals formed when limits are exceeded no specific unit displayed a vibration monitoring system.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 31

    The magnitude of a torque defined as Force times its lever arm. Revised ecqb03 july 2016 the engine vibration monitoring on a turbojet engine indicates any vibration resulting from an imbalance on rotation parts of engine the gas turbine aircraft engine vibration indicating system features include engine curls rotation frequency measurement with two independent measuring channels vibration level measurement with multiple engine mounted piezoelectric sensors using digital broadband filters on each vibration sensor or digital monitoring narrow band filters on curls main harmonics frequencies as well as a comparison of measured extreme limits of vibration 'excessive vibration' 'vibration limit' signals formed when limits are exceeded no specific unit displayed a vibration monitoring system.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 32

    The operating principle of an electronic torque meter As power increased torque shaft twists. Revised ecqb03 july 2016 the engine vibration monitoring on a turbojet engine indicates any vibration resulting from an imbalance on rotation parts of engine the gas turbine aircraft engine vibration indicating system features include engine curls rotation frequency measurement with two independent measuring channels vibration level measurement with multiple engine mounted piezoelectric sensors using digital broadband filters on each vibration sensor or digital monitoring narrow band filters on curls main harmonics frequencies as well as a comparison of measured extreme limits of vibration 'excessive vibration' 'vibration limit' signals formed when limits are exceeded no specific unit displayed a vibration monitoring system.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 33

    If outside temperature at 35 000 feet 40°c local speed of sound As power increased torque shaft twists. lss varies with square root of absolute temperature formula lss = 39 x square root of (oat+273) lss = 39 x square root of 233 lss = 595 kt.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 34

    The error in altimeter readings caused the variation of static pressure near source known as As power increased torque shaft twists. Variation of static pressure near source known as position error barometric error caused setting wrong number in altimeter window instrument error caused the imperfections of manufacture hysteresis errors are caused the irregular elasticity of capsule.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 35

    If static source of an altimeter becomes blocked during a descent instrument will Continue to display reading at which blockage occurred. Variation of static pressure near source known as position error barometric error caused setting wrong number in altimeter window instrument error caused the imperfections of manufacture hysteresis errors are caused the irregular elasticity of capsule.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 36

    If static source to an altimeter becomes blocked during a climb instrument will Continue to indicate reading at which blockage occurred. Variation of static pressure near source known as position error barometric error caused setting wrong number in altimeter window instrument error caused the imperfections of manufacture hysteresis errors are caused the irregular elasticity of capsule.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 37

    If static source to an airspeed indicator asi becomes blocked during a descent instrument will Continue to indicate reading at which blockage occurred. the asi a sensitive differential pressure gauge which measures promptly indicates difference between pitot (total pressure) static pressure (total pressure static pressure = dynamic pressure) these two pressures are equal when aircraft parked on ground in calm air when aircraft moves through air pressure on pitot line becomes greater than pressure in static lines this difference in pressure registered the airspeed pointer on face of instrument thus while descending total pressure increases* the static pressure (from static source) does not your airspeed indicator will over read *while descending density increases so total pressure increases.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 38

    A leak in pitot total pressure line of a non pressurized aircraft to an airspeed indicator would cause it to Continue to indicate reading at which blockage occurred. airspeed indicator (asi) the asi a sensitive differential pressure gauge which measures promptly indicates difference between pitot (impact/dynamic pressure) static pressure these two pressures are equal when aircraft parked on ground in calm air when aircraft moves through air pressure on pitot line becomes greater than pressure in static lines this difference in pressure registered the airspeed pointer on face of instrument which calibrated in miles per hour knots (nautical miles per hour) or both airspeed indication on airspeed indicator is total pressure static pressure = dynamic pressure therefore with a leak in pitot total pressure line it similar to a reduction of speed (a reduction of relative flow entering in pitot tube) the airspeed indicator will under read.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 39

    Machmeter readings are subject to Position pressure error. machmeter errors mach number proportional to ratio of pitot pressure to static pressure ie to (pt ps)/ps this exaclty what machmeter measures thus any non standard temperature or density do not affect accuracy of machmeter the only error worth considering the pressure (position error) in addition to usually small instrument error a mach meter can be considered accurate to within +/ 0 01 mach in normal operating range or to within +/ 0 02 at limits of that range.

  • Question Measurement of Air Data Parameters 41 Answer 40

    Vno the maximum speed Not to be exceeded except in still air with caution. machmeter errors mach number proportional to ratio of pitot pressure to static pressure ie to (pt ps)/ps this exaclty what machmeter measures thus any non standard temperature or density do not affect accuracy of machmeter the only error worth considering the pressure (position error) in addition to usually small instrument error a mach meter can be considered accurate to within +/ 0 01 mach in normal operating range or to within +/ 0 02 at limits of that range.

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