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An artificial feel system ? Regulations > weather

exemple question 146
Functions in parallel to an irreversible servo control unit. Irreversible system fully powered system pilot has no direct connection to control surface he has no feel so an artificial feel system must be included this system works in parallel to irreversible servo control unit reversible system power assisted system (similar to power assisted steering a car) pilot feel a part of load he receives assistance from hydraulic system to move control surface.

For most large aeroplanes spoilers are ?

exemple question 147
For most large aeroplanes spoilers are Upper wing surface devices their deflection can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Irreversible system fully powered system pilot has no direct connection to control surface he has no feel so an artificial feel system must be included this system works in parallel to irreversible servo control unit reversible system power assisted system (similar to power assisted steering a car) pilot feel a part of load he receives assistance from hydraulic system to move control surface.

A Krueger flap is normally located at the ?

exemple question 148
A krueger flap normally located at Upper wing surface devices their deflection can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. a krueger flap a leading edge flap they are most of time located at wing root krueger flap high lift device it hinged directly to leading edge without any form of a slot.

exemple question 149
The expression 'primary flight contro applies to 1 elevator2 speed brake3 lift augmentation devices4 roll spoilerthe combination that regroups all of correct statements Upper wing surface devices their deflection can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. a krueger flap a leading edge flap they are most of time located at wing root krueger flap high lift device it hinged directly to leading edge without any form of a slot.

exemple question 150
Which of these statements about a gust lock system are correct or incorrect i there no need a gust lock on irreversible flight controls ii manual flight controls should have a gust lock I correct ii correct. Irreversible system fully powered system pilot has no direct connection to control surface he has no feel so an artificial feel system must be included at stop hydraulic actuators will be in hydraulic lock therefore control surface will not move reversible system power assisted system (similar to power assisted steering a car) pilot feel a part of load he receives assistance from hydraulic system to move control surface it called 'reversible' because if someone moves external surfaces stick (or control column) moves inside cockpit you need a gust lock systems inside aircraft outside .

exemple question 151
Which of these statements about a gust lock system are correct or incorrect i there should be suitable design precautions to prevent flight with gust lock engaged ii reversible flight controls should have a gust lock I correct ii correct. Irreversible system fully powered system pilot has no direct connection to control surface he has no feel so an artificial feel system must be included at stop hydraulic actuators will be in hydraulic lock therefore control surface will not move reversible system power assisted system (similar to power assisted steering a car) pilot feel a part of load he receives assistance from hydraulic system to move control surface it called 'reversible' because if someone moves external surfaces stick (or control column) moves inside cockpit you need a gust lock systems inside aircraft outside the suitable design the red color with famous 'remove before flight' tag.

exemple question 152
Which of these statements about rudder limiting are correct or incorrect i a rudder ratio changer system reduces rudder deflection a given rudder pedal deflection as ias increases ii a variable stop system limits both rudder and rudder pedal deflection as ias increases I correct ii correct. A rudder limiting system will reduce deflection because as speed increases force on vertical stabilizer could be too strong could lead to aircraft destruction rudder ratio changer system limits excessive rudder deflection at high speed rudder movement limited not pedals movement a variable stop system limits both rudder rudder pedal deflection as ias increases.

Given a conventional transport aeroplane with irreversible flight controls on ground with engines running which of these statements about rudder trim actuation correct The rudder moves rudder pedals move in corresponding direction. The information that engines are running important since it means that hydraulic or electric actuators on control surface are operating concerning rudder on ground if wind (or an airport equipment) moves rudder (the control surface located on vertical stabilizer) pilot will feel this motion on rudder pedals concerning rudder trim now trim system will move control surface but also rudder pedals in order to be aware of actual position of control surface not only on ground but also in flight.

The function of rudder limiter system To restrict rudder deflection during flight at high ias. A rudder limiting system will reduce deflection because as speed increases force on vertical stabilizer could be too strong could lead to aircraft destruction see causes of american airlines flight 587 crash a pilot who has fully deflected rudder in both sides in high ias overloaded structure of plane which has fallen into city killing all passengers some people on ground

The expression 'secondary flight contro applies to 1 elevator2 speed brake3 lift augmentation devices4 roll spoilerthe combination that regroups all of correct statements To restrict rudder deflection during flight at high ias. In addition to primary flight controls roll pitch yaw there are often secondary controls available to give pilot finer control over flight or to ease workload the most commonly available control a wheel or other device to control stabiliser trim so that pilot does not have to maintain constant backward or forward pressure to hold a specific pitch attitude (other types of trim rudder ailerons are common on larger aircraft but may also appear on smaller ones) many aircraft have wing flaps controlled a switch or a mechanical lever or in some cases are fully automatic computer control which alter shape of wing improved control at slower speeds used takeoff landing other secondary flight control systems may be available including slats spoilers speed brakes.

Control surface flutter can be avoided 1 a high torsional stiffness of structure 2 a low torsional stiffness of structure 3 locating a balancing mass in front of control hinge 4 locating a balancing mass behind control hinge the combination that regroups all of correct statements To restrict rudder deflection during flight at high ias. Flutter a divergent oscillatory motion of a control surface caused the interaction of aerodynamic forces inertia forces the stiffness of structure (it a combination of bending torsion of structure) aero elastic coupling affects flutter characteristics the risk of flutter increases as ias increases if flutter occurs ias should be reduced resistance to flutter increases with increasing wing stiffness.

Primary flight controls are Ailerons elevators rudder. Flutter a divergent oscillatory motion of a control surface caused the interaction of aerodynamic forces inertia forces the stiffness of structure (it a combination of bending torsion of structure) aero elastic coupling affects flutter characteristics the risk of flutter increases as ias increases if flutter occurs ias should be reduced resistance to flutter increases with increasing wing stiffness.

An aeroplane equipped with irreversible flight controls Need not be equipped with a separate gust lock system. Irreversible system fully powered system pilot has no direct connection to control surface he has no feel so an artificial feel system must be included this system works in parallel to irreversible servo control unit there no need a gust lock system on irreversible flight controls because hydraulic actuators will be in hydraulic lock therefore control surface will not move look at left right ailerons of this airbus a330 (irreversible flight controls) they both are down in locked postion as the elevator.

An aeroplane equipped with irreversible flight controls Requires an artificial feel system. Irreversible system fully powered system pilot has no direct connection to control surface he has no feel so an artificial feel system must be included this system works in parallel to irreversible servo control unit reversible system power assisted system (similar to power assisted steering a car) pilot feel a part of load he receives assistance from hydraulic system to move control surface.

The automatic ground spoiler extension system normally activated during landing Requires an artificial feel system. Ground spoiler automatic extension must be selected before landing speed brake lever must be in 'arme position (with automatic speed brake system armed) upon touchdown speed brake lever moves to up position all flight ground spoilers extend note if a wheel spin up signal not detected when air/ground system senses ground mode (any gear strut compresses) speed brake lever moves to up position flight spoiler panels deploy automatically when right main landing gear strut compresses a mechanical linkage opens ground spoiler bypass valve the ground spoilers deploy.

Which of these statements about a gust lock system are correct or incorrect i a gust lock can be used in flight to reduce effects of turbulence ii there no need a gust lock on reversible flight controls I incorrect ii incorrect. Ground spoiler automatic extension must be selected before landing speed brake lever must be in 'arme position (with automatic speed brake system armed) upon touchdown speed brake lever moves to up position all flight ground spoilers extend note if a wheel spin up signal not detected when air/ground system senses ground mode (any gear strut compresses) speed brake lever moves to up position flight spoiler panels deploy automatically when right main landing gear strut compresses a mechanical linkage opens ground spoiler bypass valve the ground spoilers deploy.

Which of these statements about rudder limiting are correct or incorrect i a rudder ratio changer system limits both rudder and rudder pedal deflection as ias increases ii a variable stop system reduces rudder deflection a given rudder pedal deflection as ias increases I incorrect ii incorrect. A rudder limiting system will reduce deflection because as speed increases force on vertical stabilizer could be too strong could lead to aircraft destruction rudder ratio changer system limits excessive rudder deflection at high speed rudder movement limited not pedals movement a variable stop system limits both rudder rudder pedal deflection as ias increases.

Which of these statements about a gust lock system are correct or incorrect i there no need a gust lock on irreversible flight controls ii there no need a gust lock on manual flight controls I correct ii incorrect. Irreversible system fully powered system pilot has no direct connection to control surface he has no feel so an artificial feel system must be included at stop hydraulic actuators will be in hydraulic lock therefore control surface will not move reversible system (manual flight controls) power assisted system (similar to power assisted steering a car) pilot feel a part of load he receives assistance from hydraulic system to move control surface it called 'reversible' because if someone moves external surfaces stick (or control column) moves inside cockpit you need a gust lock systems inside aircraft outside .

Which of these statements about a gust lock system are correct or incorrect i there should be suitable design precautions to prevent flight with gust lock engaged ii there no need a gust lock on reversible flight controls I correct ii incorrect. Irreversible system fully powered system pilot has no direct connection to control surface he has no feel so an artificial feel system must be included at stop hydraulic actuators will be in hydraulic lock therefore control surface will not move reversible system (manual flight controls) power assisted system (similar to power assisted steering a car) pilot feel a part of load he receives assistance from hydraulic system to move control surface it called 'reversible' because if someone moves external surfaces stick (or control column) moves inside cockpit you need a gust lock systems inside aircraft outside .

Which of these statements about rudder limiting are correct or incorrect i a rudder ratio changer system reduces rudder deflection a given rudder pedal deflection as ias increases ii a variable stop system limits both rudder and rudder pedal deflection as ias decreases I correct ii incorrect. A rudder limiting system will reduce deflection because as speed increases force on vertical stabilizer could be too strong could lead to aircraft destruction rudder ratio changer system limits excessive rudder deflection at high speed rudder movement limited not pedals movement a variable stop system limits both rudder rudder pedal deflection as ias increases.

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