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Which of these statements about a gust lock system are correct or incorrect I Irreversible flight controls should have a gust lock II Manual flight controls should have a gust lock ? Mandatory > security

exemple question 147
I incorrect ii correct.

Which of these statements about a gust lock system are correct or incorrect I A gust lock can be used in flight to reduce the effects of turbulence II Reversible flight controls should have a gust ?

exemple question 148
Which of these statements about a gust lock system are correct or incorrect i a gust lock can be used in flight to reduce effects of turbulence ii reversible flight controls should have a gust lock I incorrect ii correct.

Which of these statements about trimming in a irreversible flight control system of a conventional aeroplane are correct or incorrect I The zero force position of the control column changes when ?

exemple question 149
Which of these statements about trimming in a irreversible flight control system of a conventional aeroplane are correct or incorrect i the zero force position of control column changes when using elevator trim ii the zero force position of control wheel changes when using aileron trim I incorrect ii correct. Irreversible system fully powered system pilot has no direct connection to control surface he has no feel so an artificial feel system must be included this system works in parallel to irreversible servo control unit reversible system power assisted system (similar to power assisted steering a car) pilot feel a part of load he receives assistance from hydraulic system to move control surface here we are talking about an irreversible flight control system on a conventional aeroplane using an irreversible flight control system (e g b737 ng with variable incidence trimming tailplane) trim achieved changing full elevator deflection zero force position of control column does not change for aileron trim a variable incidence wing system does not exist on commercial airplane you can not 'trim' wing thus when trimmed control wheel will be biased to right or to left artificially the zero force position of control wheel will change.

exemple question 150
Which of these statements about rudder limiting are correct or incorrect i a rudder ratio changer system reduces rudder deflection a given rudder pedal deflection as ias decreases ii a variable stop system limits both rudder and rudder pedal deflection as ias increases I incorrect ii correct. A rudder limiting system will reduce deflection because as speed increases force on vertical stabilizer could be too strong could lead to aircraft destruction rudder ratio changer system limits excessive rudder deflection at high speed rudder movement limited not pedals movement a variable stop system limits both rudder rudder pedal deflection as ias increases.

exemple question 151
Trimming of aileron and rudder in an irreversible flight control system Is achieved adjusting 'zero force point' of feel system. Irreversible system fully powered system pilot has no direct connection to control surface he has no feel so an artificial feel system must be included this system works in parallel to irreversible servo control unit reversible system power assisted system (similar to power assisted steering a car) pilot feel a part of load he receives assistance from hydraulic system to move control surface the question about an irreversible flight control system there no mechanical connection between control wheel (or stick) ailerons rudder pedals rudder the pilot provided with artificial feel/force when trimmed this adjusted to give zero force on control wheel (or stick) the pedals.

exemple question 152
An aeroplane equipped with reversible flight controls Does not require an artificial feel system. Irreversible system fully powered system pilot has no direct connection to control surface he has no feel so an artificial feel system must be included this system works in parallel to irreversible servo control unit reversible system power assisted system (similar to power assisted steering a car) pilot feel a part of load he receives assistance from hydraulic system to move control surface the question about an irreversible flight control system there no mechanical connection between control wheel (or stick) ailerons rudder pedals rudder the pilot provided with artificial feel/force when trimmed this adjusted to give zero force on control wheel (or stick) the pedals.

exemple question 153
Most large conventional aeroplanes are not provided with aileron and rudder trim tabs is it still possible to trim these control surfaces Yes trimming possible adjusting neutral point of artificial feel mechanism means of a trim switch. Irreversible system fully powered system pilot has no direct connection to control surface he has no feel so an artificial feel system must be included this system works in parallel to irreversible servo control unit reversible system power assisted system (similar to power assisted steering a car) pilot feel a part of load he receives assistance from hydraulic system to move control surface the question about an irreversible flight control system there no mechanical connection between control wheel (or stick) ailerons rudder pedals rudder the pilot provided with artificial feel/force when trimmed this adjusted to give zero force on control wheel (or stick) the pedals.

On a large transport aeroplane auto slat system Extends (part of) slats automatically when a certain value of angle of attack exceeded. The auto slat system designed to enhance airplane stall characteristics at high angles of attack during takeoff or approach to landing as airplane approaches stall angle slats automatically begin driving to full extended position prior to stick shaker activation the slats return to extend position when pitch angle sufficiently reduced below stall critical attitude.

Most transport aeroplanes are provided with protection against control jamming this means that The flight control system has provisions to disconnect part of control system that becomes blocked. Fcom boeing 737 the columns wheels are connected through transfer mechanisms which allow pilots to bypass a jammed control or surface elevator control column override mechanism in event of a control column jam an override mechanism allows control columns to be physically separated applying force against jam will breakout either captain's or first officer's control column whichever column moves freely after breakout can provide adequate elevator control aileron transfer mechanism if ailerons or spoilers are jammed force applied to captain's the first officer's control wheels will identify which system ailerons or spoilers usable and which control wheel captain's or first officer's can provide roll control if aileron control system jammed force applied to first officer's control wheel provides roll control from spoilers the ailerons the captain's control wheel are inoperative if spoiler system jammed force applied to captain's control wheel provides roll control from ailerons the spoilers the first officer's control wheel are inoperative rudder the rudder provides yaw control about airplane's vertical axis each set of rudder pedals mechanically connected cables to input levers of main standby rudder pcus the main pcu consists of two independent input rods two individual control valves two separate actuators one hydraulic system a one hydraulic system b the standby rudder pcu controlled a separate input rod control valve powered the standby hydraulic system all three input rods have individual jam override mechanisms that allows input commands to continue to be transferred to remaining free input rods if an input rod or downstream hardware hindered or jammed.

A flight control surface actuator said to be 'irreversible' when There no feedback to pilot's controls of aerodynamic forces acting on control surface. An irreversible flight control system where there not a direct mechanical linkage connection between control lever in cockpit the flight control surface in an irreversible mechanical system control lever in cockpit moves a spool valve on a hydraulic power control unit (pcu) a mechanical linkage drives spool the mechanical linkage will consist of a combination of bellcranks pushrods cable systems pogos summing linkages etc the design of a mechanical irreversible system similar to design of a reversible flight control system the main difference will be spool forces are better defined than surface hinge moments also an artificial feel system required irreversible flight control systems because there no feedback to pilot's controls of aerodynamic forces acting on control surface.

Given an aeroplane with irreversible primary flight controls how control maintained if one hydraulic system lost due to a hydraulic leak The remaining systems will take over control. An irreversible flight control system where there not a direct mechanical linkage connection between control lever in cockpit the flight control surface in an irreversible mechanical system control lever in cockpit moves a spool valve on a hydraulic power control unit (pcu) a mechanical linkage drives spool the mechanical linkage will consist of a combination of bellcranks pushrods cable systems pogos summing linkages etc the design of a mechanical irreversible system similar to design of a reversible flight control system the main difference will be spool forces are better defined than surface hinge moments also an artificial feel system required irreversible flight control systems because there no feedback to pilot's controls of aerodynamic forces acting on control surface.

Which of these statements about a gust lock system are correct or incorrect i irreversible flight controls should have a gust lock ii there no need a gust lock on manual flight controls I incorrect ii incorrect. There no need a gust lock on irreversible flight controls because hydraulic actuators will be in hydraulic lock therefore control surface will not move look at left right ailerons of this airbus a330 (irreversible flight controls) they both are down in locked postion as the elevator manual flight controls means reversible flight controls you need a gust lock systems inside aircraft outside .

The reason a double switch on elevator trim To reduce probability of a trim runaway. There no need a gust lock on irreversible flight controls because hydraulic actuators will be in hydraulic lock therefore control surface will not move look at left right ailerons of this airbus a330 (irreversible flight controls) they both are down in locked postion as the elevator manual flight controls means reversible flight controls you need a gust lock systems inside aircraft outside .

A flight control surface actuator said to be 'reversible' when There feedback to pilot's controls of aerodynamic forces acting on control surface. There no need a gust lock on irreversible flight controls because hydraulic actuators will be in hydraulic lock therefore control surface will not move look at left right ailerons of this airbus a330 (irreversible flight controls) they both are down in locked postion as the elevator manual flight controls means reversible flight controls you need a gust lock systems inside aircraft outside .

For a jar25 aeroplane spoilers are Upper wing surface devices their deflection can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. There no need a gust lock on irreversible flight controls because hydraulic actuators will be in hydraulic lock therefore control surface will not move look at left right ailerons of this airbus a330 (irreversible flight controls) they both are down in locked postion as the elevator manual flight controls means reversible flight controls you need a gust lock systems inside aircraft outside .

Which of these statements regarding most gust lock systems correct When gust lock on there protection to prevent take off. There no need a gust lock on irreversible flight controls because hydraulic actuators will be in hydraulic lock therefore control surface will not move look at left right ailerons of this airbus a330 (irreversible flight controls) they both are down in locked postion as the elevator manual flight controls means reversible flight controls you need a gust lock systems inside aircraft outside .

The expression 'secondary flight contro applies to 1 stabiliser2 rudder3 speed brake4 aileronthe combination that regroups all of correct statements When gust lock on there protection to prevent take off. In addition to primary flight controls roll pitch yaw there are often secondary controls available to give pilot finer control over flight or to ease workload the most commonly available control a wheel or other device to control stabiliser trim so that pilot does not have to maintain constant backward or forward pressure to hold a specific pitch attitude (other types of trim rudder ailerons are common on larger aircraft but may also appear on smaller ones) many aircraft have wing flaps controlled a switch or a mechanical lever or in some cases are fully automatic computer control which alter shape of wing improved control at slower speeds used takeoff landing other secondary flight control systems may be available including slats spoilers air brakes.

Ruddertrim adjustment in an aeroplane with irreversible flight controls An adjustment of zero force rudder position. your flight controls are subjected to aerodynamic forces light aircraft will always have trim the elevator to reduce these forces but as you climb out at low speed high power you will have to apply a lot of leg force hold in a lot of rudder (right rudder on most aircraft due to right hand rotation of propeller) if you had a rudder trim you would adjust it until force was zero the question about a fully powered rudder control (irreversible) there no mechanical connection between rudder pedals rudder the pilot provided with artificial feel/force when trimmed this adjusted to give zero force on pedals a conventional trim tab would have no feedback to pilot because of design of irreversible controls.

Which of these statements about trimming in a irreversible flight control system of a conventional aeroplane are correct or incorrect i the zero force position of control column does not change when using elevator trim ii the zero force position of control wheel changes when using aileron trim I correct ii correct. irreversible system fully powered system pilot has no direct connection to control surface he has no feel so an artificial feel system must be included this system works in parallel to irreversible servo control unit reversible system power assisted system (similar to power assisted steering a car) pilot feel a part of load he receives assistance from hydraulic system to move control surface here we are talking about an irreversible flight control system on a conventional aeroplane using an irreversible flight control system (e g b737 ng with variable incidence trimming tailplane) trim achieved changing full elevator deflection zero force position of control column does not change for aileron trim a variable incidence wing system does not exist on commercial airplane you can not 'trim' wing thus when trimmed control wheel will be biased to right or to left artificially the zero force position of control wheel will change.

Which of these statements about trimming in a irreversible flight control system of a conventional aeroplane are correct or incorrect i the zero force position of control column changes when using elevator trim ii the zero force position of control wheel does not change when using aileron trim I incorrect ii incorrect. irreversible system fully powered system pilot has no direct connection to control surface he has no feel so an artificial feel system must be included this system works in parallel to irreversible servo control unit reversible system power assisted system (similar to power assisted steering a car) pilot feel a part of load he receives assistance from hydraulic system to move control surface here we are talking about an irreversible flight control system on a conventional aeroplane using an irreversible flight control system (e g b737 ng with variable incidence trimming tailplane) trim achieved changing full elevator deflection zero force position of control column does not change for aileron trim a variable incidence wing system does not exist on commercial airplane you can not 'trim' wing thus when trimmed control wheel will be biased to right or to left artificially the zero force position of control wheel will change.

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