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Which of these statements about trimming in a irreversible flight control system of a conventional aeroplane are correct or incorrect I The zero force position of the control column does not change ? Free > lift > off

exemple question 148
I correct ii incorrect. irreversible system fully powered system pilot has no direct connection to control surface he has no feel so an artificial feel system must be included this system works in parallel to irreversible servo control unit reversible system power assisted system (similar to power assisted steering a car) pilot feel a part of load he receives assistance from hydraulic system to move control surface here we are talking about an irreversible flight control system on a conventional aeroplane using an irreversible flight control system (e g b737 ng with variable incidence trimming tailplane) trim achieved changing full elevator deflection zero force position of control column does not change for aileron trim a variable incidence wing system does not exist on commercial airplane you can not 'trim' wing thus when trimmed control wheel will be biased to right or to left artificially the zero force position of control wheel will change.

Cabin pressure is controlled by ?

exemple question 149
Cabin pressure controlled Delivering a substantially constant flow of air into cabin controlling outflow. irreversible system fully powered system pilot has no direct connection to control surface he has no feel so an artificial feel system must be included this system works in parallel to irreversible servo control unit reversible system power assisted system (similar to power assisted steering a car) pilot feel a part of load he receives assistance from hydraulic system to move control surface here we are talking about an irreversible flight control system on a conventional aeroplane using an irreversible flight control system (e g b737 ng with variable incidence trimming tailplane) trim achieved changing full elevator deflection zero force position of control column does not change for aileron trim a variable incidence wing system does not exist on commercial airplane you can not 'trim' wing thus when trimmed control wheel will be biased to right or to left artificially the zero force position of control wheel will change.

During level flight at a constant cabin pressure altitude which could be decreased even at this flight level the cabin outflow valves are ?

exemple question 150
During level flight at a constant cabin pressure altitude which could be decreased even at this flight level cabin outflow valves are Delivering a substantially constant flow of air into cabin controlling outflow. Cabin altitude the pressure altitude inside pressurized zone of fuselage it expressed in 'altitude' (generally in feet) rather than with a unit of pressure (in hectopascal example) the cabin pressure regulated like this constant inlet flow (regulation air conditioning valves) variable output flow (action of relief valves) .

exemple question 151
The cabin pressure regulated the Delivering a substantially constant flow of air into cabin controlling outflow. Cabin altitude the pressure altitude inside pressurized zone of fuselage it expressed in 'altitude' (generally in feet) rather than with a unit of pressure (in hectopascal example) the cabin pressure regulated like this constant inlet flow (regulation air conditioning valves) variable output flow (action of relief valves) .

exemple question 152
Cabin differential pressure means pressure difference between Cabin pressure ambient air pressure. Cabin altitude the pressure altitude inside pressurized zone of fuselage it expressed in 'altitude' (generally in feet) rather than with a unit of pressure (in hectopascal example) the cabin pressure regulated like this constant inlet flow (regulation air conditioning valves) variable output flow (action of relief valves) .

exemple question 153
Under normal conditions easa cs 25 cabin pressure altitude not allowed to exceed Cabin pressure ambient air pressure. pressurisation cs 25 841 pressurised cabins (a) pressurised cabins compartments to be occupied must be equipped to provide a cabin pressure altitude of not more than 2438 m (8000 ft) at maximum operating altitude of aeroplane under normal operating conditions if certification operation over 7620 m (25 000 ft) requested aeroplane must be able to maintain a cabin pressure altitude of not more than 4572 m (15 000 ft) in event of any reasonably probable failure or malfunction in pressurisation system.

exemple question 154
Cabin altitude the Cabin pressure expressed as altitude. Cabin altitude the pressure altitude inside pressurized zone of fuselage it expressed in 'altitude' (generally in feet) rather than with a unit of pressure (in hectopascal example) the cabin pressure regulated like this constant inlet flow (regulation air conditioning valves) variable output flow (action of relief valves).

On a modern large pressurized transport aircraft maximum cabin differential pressure approximately Cabin pressure expressed as altitude. Cabin altitude the pressure altitude inside pressurized zone of fuselage it expressed in 'altitude' (generally in feet) rather than with a unit of pressure (in hectopascal example) the cabin pressure regulated like this constant inlet flow (regulation air conditioning valves) variable output flow (action of relief valves).

The 'cabin differential pressure' Cabin pressure minus ambient pressure. Cabin altitude the pressure altitude inside pressurized zone of fuselage it expressed in 'altitude' (generally in feet) rather than with a unit of pressure (in hectopascal example) the cabin pressure regulated like this constant inlet flow (regulation air conditioning valves) variable output flow (action of relief valves).

The cabin rate of descent A cabin pressure increase. As we climb cabin altitude 'climb to 6000ft/8000ft when aircraft altitude climbs to fl260/fl410 the cabin pressure reducing from ground pressure (mean 1013 hpa) to less than 750 hpa in cruising flight thus while descending cabin rate of descent a cabin pressure increase.

The maximum cabin differential pressure of a pressurised aeroplane operating at fl370 approximately A cabin pressure increase. Typically there will be two gauges in cockpit one to show cabin's rate of climb (the small one looks like a vsi vertical speed indicator) the other with two needles one the inner scale indicates cabin altitude in feet one the outer scale indicates differential pressure between cabin ambient in psi the value 9 psi must be known this a common value on jet aircrafts.

The purpose of pack cooling fans in air conditioning system to Supply heat exchangers with cooling air during slow flights ground operation. Typically there will be two gauges in cockpit one to show cabin's rate of climb (the small one looks like a vsi vertical speed indicator) the other with two needles one the inner scale indicates cabin altitude in feet one the outer scale indicates differential pressure between cabin ambient in psi the value 9 psi must be known this a common value on jet aircrafts.

In flight cabin air modern airplanes with jet engines usually supplied Supply heat exchangers with cooling air during slow flights ground operation. Typically there will be two gauges in cockpit one to show cabin's rate of climb (the small one looks like a vsi vertical speed indicator) the other with two needles one the inner scale indicates cabin altitude in feet one the outer scale indicates differential pressure between cabin ambient in psi the value 9 psi must be known this a common value on jet aircrafts.

In an aircraft air conditioning system air cannot be treated Supply heat exchangers with cooling air during slow flights ground operation. Modern air conditioning systems will mix hot cold air in a more efficient manner thus humidity control systems are not required anymore today we do not treat air humidity water removed from conditioned air the water separator but it not controlled more over actual humidity treatements are responsible the legionary disease are therefore forbidden in such cases.

In a cabin air conditioning system equipped with a bootstrap mass air flow routed via Secondary heat exchanger outlet to turbine inlet of cold air unit. Bootstrap (or turbo compressor) uses a primary heat exchanger (for pre cooling against ambient air temperature) the compressor section of cooling turbine (to boost pressure temperature to provide a significant pressure drop) a secondary heat exchanger (which also uses outside air as a coolant to remove unwanted temperature rises across compressor) the expansion turbine wich extracts work from air driving compressor the term bootstrap refers to a self sustaining process that proceeds without external help.

Engine bleed air used air conditioning and pressurization in turbo jet aeroplanes usually taken from Secondary heat exchanger outlet to turbine inlet of cold air unit. If engine has a fan then air will be taken from compressor not fan section.

In large modern aircraft in air conditioning system reduction of air temperature and pressure achieved An expansion turbine. Bootstrap (or turbo compressor) uses a primary heat exchanger (for pre cooling against ambient air temperature) the compressor section of cooling turbine (to boost pressure temperature to provide a significant pressure drop) a secondary heat exchanger (which also uses outside air as a coolant to remove unwanted temperature rises across compressor) the expansion turbine wich extracts work from air driving compressor the goal of a bootstrap system to distribute suitable air to cabin engine bleed air compressed passed through a heat exchanger (cooled) then across an expansion turbine.

A turbo compressor air conditioning system bootstrap system will Cause a pressure drop as well as an associated temperature drop in charge air. the goal of a bootstrap system to distribute suitable air to cabin engine bleed air compressed passed through a heat exchanger (cooled) then across an expansion turbine.

Cabin heating in a large jet transport aeroplane obtained from Hot air bled from compressors. Cabin heating in a large jet transport aeroplane obtained from hot air bled from compressors via a 'bootstrap' system bootstrap (or turbo compressor) uses a primary heat exchanger (for pre cooling against ambient air temperature) the compressor section of cooling turbine (to boost pressure temperature to provide a significant pressure drop) a secondary heat exchanger (which also uses outside air as a coolant to remove unwanted temperature rises across compressor) the expansion turbine wich extracts work from air driving compressor the term bootstrap refers to a self sustaining process that proceeds without external help.

The pack cooling fan provides Cooling air to primary secondary heat exchanger during slow flight ground operation. the ram air inlets have their deflector doors opened because aircraft on ground .

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