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Because of the input/output relationship of an AND gate it is often referred to as the ? Qcm > aircraft

exemple question 156
'all or nothing' gate.

The function of a NOT logic gate within a circuit is to ?

exemple question 157
The function of a not logic gate within a circuit to Invert input signal such that output always of opposite state.

When two DC generators are operating in parallel control of load sharing is achieved by ?

exemple question 158
When two dc generators are operating in parallel control of load sharing achieved An equalising circuit which in conjunction with voltage regulators varies field excitation current of generators.

exemple question 159
A condenser in parallel with breaker points will Intensify current in secondary winding. This question about ignition on a piston engine the use of a magneto the components of a typical magneto consist of a permanent magnet a primary a secondary windings on a core a way of making magnet or core move (by rotating either one) contact breaker points a condenser (capacitor) a distributor inside primary circuit a set of conctact points that make flux reversals more abrupt when they open close at critical moments the condenser (capacitor) mainly there to absorb sparks reduce arcing to stop points getting pitted worn it connected across contact points so it shorted out when they close but instant they open it absorbs current from collapsing current in primary coil (i e it charged) so points open cleanly with very few sparks this know as a spark quench the current from capacitor when it discharges also hastens collapse of primary field (by opposing it) to increase induced voltage the more sudden breaking of primary circuit is more current will be induced in secondary coil.

exemple question 160
A unit that converts electrical dc into ac Intensify current in secondary winding. Dc to ac inverter ac to dc rectifier.

exemple question 161
On board electrical systems are protected against faults of following type 1 ac generator over voltage2 ac generator under voltage3 over current4 csd or generator over speed5 under frequency6 undue vibration of ac generatorsthe combination of correct statements Intensify current in secondary winding. The on board electrical systems are protected all of these scenarios except vibration of generator.

exemple question 162
The purpose of a battery control unit generally to isolate battery 1 from bus when battery charge has been completed2 when there a battery overheat condition3 in case of an internal short circuit4 in case of a fault on ground power unitthe combination which regroups all of correct statements Intensify current in secondary winding. The on board electrical systems are protected all of these scenarios except vibration of generator.

The resistors r1 and r2 are connected in parallel the value of equivalent resistance req so obtained given the following formula Intensify current in secondary winding. The on board electrical systems are protected all of these scenarios except vibration of generator.

The function of generator breaker to close when voltage of Generator greater than battery voltage to open when opposite true. The generator breaker controlled sensors that detect over/under speed (over/under frequency) reverse or over current plus control bringing generator on or offline the function of generator breaker to close when voltage of generator greater than battery voltage to open when opposite true.

The input and output of a static inverter are respectively Generator greater than battery voltage to open when opposite true. The generator breaker controlled sensors that detect over/under speed (over/under frequency) reverse or over current plus control bringing generator on or offline the function of generator breaker to close when voltage of generator greater than battery voltage to open when opposite true.

Alternating current can be derived from direct current Generator greater than battery voltage to open when opposite true. The generator breaker controlled sensors that detect over/under speed (over/under frequency) reverse or over current plus control bringing generator on or offline the function of generator breaker to close when voltage of generator greater than battery voltage to open when opposite true.

The rating of electrical fuses expressed in Generator greater than battery voltage to open when opposite true. The generator breaker controlled sensors that detect over/under speed (over/under frequency) reverse or over current plus control bringing generator on or offline the function of generator breaker to close when voltage of generator greater than battery voltage to open when opposite true.

A 'zener' diode used Voltage stabilisation. A zener diode a special kind of diode which allows current to flow in forward direction in same manner as an ideal diode but will also permit it to flow in reverse direction when voltage above a certain value but keeps it constant the zener diode used voltage stabilisation.

The type of gate which requires all conditions with logic 1 engagement Voltage stabilisation. A logic gate an elementary building block of a digital circuit most logic gates have two inputs one output at any given moment every terminal in one of two binary conditions low (0) or high (1) represented different voltage levels the logic state of a terminal can generally does change often as circuit processes data there are seven basic logic gates and or xor not nand nor xnor the and gate so named because if 0 called 'false' 1 called 'true' gate acts in same way as logical 'an operator the following illustration table show circuit symbol logic combinations an and gate (in symbol input terminals are at left the output terminal at right ) the output 'true' when both inputs are 'true' otherwise output 'false'.

To reverse direction of rotation of a shunt type parallel field dc electric motor it necessary to Reverse polarity of either stator or rotor. Changing polarity of current would change direction of field around conductor whilst leaving polarity of main field unchanged.

The power required field excitation of main rotor in modern constant frequency alternators directly controlled The voltage regulator. When a brushless generator's rotor initially driven the csd unit a permanent magnet generator induces an ac voltage into pilot output the ac voltage then full wave rectified fed to main exciter way of voltage regulator the three phase winding on rotor now has a voltage induced in it which fed to dc main field way of a three phase rectifier network the dc main field rotates induces a voltage in ac output windings which at same time increases output of pilot exciter this sequence of events continues until generator reaches its regulated output voltage the output typically 200/115 volts three phase 400 hz.

The ignition system generally used small aircrafts a The voltage regulator. the sole purpose of ignition system to supply a high energy spark at right moment thereby igniting fuel air mixture so that engine can start its power stroke the source the spark comes from magnetos in magneto magnetic field generates a voltage in coil which transformed to a higher voltage a secondary coil with much more windings than primary coil a breaker contact in primary coil circuit interrupts flowing current this interruption causes magnetic field to collapse thereby generating a very high peak voltage in secondary coil this peak voltage then conducted to correct spark plugs the distributor high voltage leads.

Because of connection in parallel of electrical equipments on an ac bus bar isolation of individual equipments Decreases bus bar current consumption. In parallel ac current shared between different electrical equipments connected on bus bar if you disconnect one of them bus bar current consumption will be reduced.

Regarding 1 a fuse and 2 a circuit breaker ( ) not resettable (2) resettable. In parallel ac current shared between different electrical equipments connected on bus bar if you disconnect one of them bus bar current consumption will be reduced.

Regarding ohm's law The current in a circuit directly proportional to voltage. In parallel ac current shared between different electrical equipments connected on bus bar if you disconnect one of them bus bar current consumption will be reduced.

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