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When the AC generators are connected in parallel the reactive loads are balanced by means of the ? Explanation > maintenance

exemple question 157
If generators are to be paralleled frequency adjusted adjusting csd output torque to balance real load the reactive loads are trimmed adjusting excitation current from voltage regulator.

Generators when connected to the same bus bar are usually connected ?

exemple question 158
Generators when connected to same bus bar are usually connected If generators are to be paralleled frequency adjusted adjusting csd output torque to balance real load the reactive loads are trimmed adjusting excitation current from voltage regulator.

The advantages of Nickel Cadmium compared with lead acid batteries are 1 lower risk of thermal runaway2 higher internal resistance hence higher power3 reduced charging time4 constant output ?

exemple question 159
The advantages of nickel cadmium compared with lead acid batteries are 1 lower risk of thermal runaway2 higher internal resistance hence higher power3 reduced charging time4 constant output voltagethe combination which regroups all correct statements If generators are to be paralleled frequency adjusted adjusting csd output torque to balance real load the reactive loads are trimmed adjusting excitation current from voltage regulator.

exemple question 160
Static dischargers 1 are used to set all parts of airframe to same electrical potential 2 are placed on wing and tail tips to facilitate electrical discharge 3 are used to reset electrostatic potential of aircraft to a value approximating 0 volts 4 are located on wing and tail tips to reduce intererence with on board radiocommunication systems to a minimum 5 limit risks of transfer of electrical charges between aircraft and electrified clouds the combination regrouping all correct statements We are not looking to set all parts of airframe to same electrical potential we are looking to maintain electrical airframe potential at around 10000 volts via static dischargers (by providing a path the electrons) example of static dischargers on a wing without static dischargers electrical airframe potential would rise up to a value 10 times higher would disturb and/or damage onboard equipment.

exemple question 161
Assuming initiating cause removed which of these statements about resetting are correct or incorrect i a fuse resettable ii a circuit breaker resettable I incorrect ii correct. We are not looking to set all parts of airframe to same electrical potential we are looking to maintain electrical airframe potential at around 10000 volts via static dischargers (by providing a path the electrons) example of static dischargers on a wing without static dischargers electrical airframe potential would rise up to a value 10 times higher would disturb and/or damage onboard equipment.

exemple question 162
Assuming initiating cause removed which of these statements about resetting are correct or incorrect i a fuse not resettable ii a circuit breaker resettable I correct ii correct. We are not looking to set all parts of airframe to same electrical potential we are looking to maintain electrical airframe potential at around 10000 volts via static dischargers (by providing a path the electrons) example of static dischargers on a wing without static dischargers electrical airframe potential would rise up to a value 10 times higher would disturb and/or damage onboard equipment.

exemple question 163
The diagram shown in annex represents a twin engine aeroplane electrical system batteries are located at positions 877 I correct ii correct. each generator has its own busbar with non essential services connected to it or those that don't matter if it fails both are ultimately connected in parallel to a central (combining) busbar which carries essential services batteries are located on hot bus 1 hot bus 2 providing a source of power if both generators fail.

Electrical work measurement unit in international system of units si I correct ii correct. unit of force the unit of force in mks (metre kilogram second) system the force which gives to a mass of 1 kilogram an acceleration of 1 metre per second per second joule (unit of energy or work) the joule the work done when point of application of 1 mks unit of force newton moves a distance of 1 metre in direction of force watt (unit of power) the watt the power which in one second gives rise to energy of 1 joule ampere (unit of electric current) the ampere that constant current which if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite length of negligible circular cross section placed 1 metre apart in vacuum would produce between these conductors a force equal to 2 x 10&8722 7 mks unit of force newton per metre of length ohm (unit of electric resistance) the ohm the electric resistance between two points of a conductor when a constant potential difference of 1 volt applied to these points produces in conductor a current of 1 ampere conductor not being seat of any electromotive force.

If two constant frequency ac generators are operating independently then phase relation between both generators I correct ii correct. unit of force the unit of force in mks (metre kilogram second) system the force which gives to a mass of 1 kilogram an acceleration of 1 metre per second per second joule (unit of energy or work) the joule the work done when point of application of 1 mks unit of force newton moves a distance of 1 metre in direction of force watt (unit of power) the watt the power which in one second gives rise to energy of 1 joule ampere (unit of electric current) the ampere that constant current which if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite length of negligible circular cross section placed 1 metre apart in vacuum would produce between these conductors a force equal to 2 x 10&8722 7 mks unit of force newton per metre of length ohm (unit of electric resistance) the ohm the electric resistance between two points of a conductor when a constant potential difference of 1 volt applied to these points produces in conductor a current of 1 ampere conductor not being seat of any electromotive force.

The logic symbol shown represents assuming positive logic 880 An invert or not gate. A logic gate an elementary building block of a digital circuit most logic gates have two inputs one output at any given moment every terminal in one of two binary conditions low (0) or high (1) represented different voltage levels the logic state of a terminal can generally does change often as circuit processes data there are seven basic logic gates and or xor not nand nor xnor a logical inverter sometimes called a not gate to differentiate it from other types of electronic inverter devices has only one input it reverses logic state .

The connection in parallel of two 12 volt/40 amp hours batteries will create a unit with following characteristics 2 volt/ 8 amp hours. Battery packs achieve desired operating voltage connecting several cells in series with each cell adding to total terminal voltage 24 volt / 40 amp hours parallel connection attains higher capacity increased current handling as each cell adds to total current handling 12 volt/ 80 amp hours in parallel we increase flow in series we increase tension.

The capacity of a battery the Amount of ampere hours that a fully charged battery can supply. Battery packs achieve desired operating voltage connecting several cells in series with each cell adding to total terminal voltage 24 volt / 40 amp hours parallel connection attains higher capacity increased current handling as each cell adds to total current handling 12 volt/ 80 amp hours in parallel we increase flow in series we increase tension.

The frequency of current provided an alternator depends on Amount of ampere hours that a fully charged battery can supply. Battery packs achieve desired operating voltage connecting several cells in series with each cell adding to total terminal voltage 24 volt / 40 amp hours parallel connection attains higher capacity increased current handling as each cell adds to total current handling 12 volt/ 80 amp hours in parallel we increase flow in series we increase tension.

Direct current generators are connected In parallel to provide maximum power. Generators run most efficiently when loaded to their rated capacity therefore when load demand increases one or more generators can be connected in parallel to provide more power this the only way to reach maximum power with dc generators.

When carrying out a battery condition check using aircraft's voltmeter A load should be applied to battery in order to give a better indication of condition. Generators run most efficiently when loaded to their rated capacity therefore when load demand increases one or more generators can be connected in parallel to provide more power this the only way to reach maximum power with dc generators.

When a battery almost fully discharged there a tendency the Voltage to decrease under load. Generators run most efficiently when loaded to their rated capacity therefore when load demand increases one or more generators can be connected in parallel to provide more power this the only way to reach maximum power with dc generators.

To ensure correct load sharing between ac generators operating in parallel Both real reactive loads must be matched. Generators run most efficiently when loaded to their rated capacity therefore when load demand increases one or more generators can be connected in parallel to provide more power this the only way to reach maximum power with dc generators.

The frequency of an ac generator dependent on Number of pairs of poles the speed of moving part. The frequency of induced ac current depends on revolution of rotor since rate of revolution revolutions per minute (rpm) frequency expressed as cycles per second frequency of induced ac current will be rate of revolution of rotor divided 60 in addition to above if two magnets are used (two pole pairs) frequency doubled (tripled three) thus putting all of this in a formula we get frequency (hz) = rpm x number of pole pairs / 60.

If a current passed through a conductor which positioned in a magnetic field A force will be exerted on conductor. When a current passed through wire wrapped around a conductor its magnetic field penetrates conductor causes domains to turn aligning parallel to magnetic field so their tiny magnetic fields add to wire's field creating a large magnetic field that extends into space around magnet the larger current passed through wire coil more domains align the stronger magnetic field is.

The alternators when connected are usually connected A force will be exerted on conductor. When a current passed through wire wrapped around a conductor its magnetic field penetrates conductor causes domains to turn aligning parallel to magnetic field so their tiny magnetic fields add to wire's field creating a large magnetic field that extends into space around magnet the larger current passed through wire coil more domains align the stronger magnetic field is.

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