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Question > security : An aircraft in climb or descent is considered to have crossed a level when the ?

Question 8-1 : More than 300 ft more than 100 ft 1000 ft more than 500 ft

Icao doc4444 pans atm 'procedures for air navigation services air traffic management' . 8 5 5 2 determination of level occupancy .8 5 5 2 1 the criterion which shall be used to determine that a specific level is occupied by an aircraft shall be +/ 60 m +/ 200 ft in rvsm airspace in other airspace it shall be +/ 90 m +/ 300 ft except that the appropriate ats authority may specify a smaller criterion but not less than +/ 60 m +/ 200 ft if this is found to be more practical.8 5 5 2 2 aircraft maintaining a level an aircraft is considered to be maintaining its assigned level as long as the pressure altitude derived level information indicates that it is within the appropriate tolerances of the assigned level asspecified in 8 5 5 2 1.8 5 5 2 3 aircraft vacating a level an aircraft cleared to leave a level is considered to have commenced its manoeuvre and vacated the previously occupied level when the pressure altitude derived level information indicates achange of more than 90 m 300 ft in the anticipated direction from its previously assigned level.8 5 5 2 4 aircraft passing a level in climb or descent an aircraft in climb or descent is considered to have crossed a level when the pressure altitude derived level information indicates that it has passed this level in the required directionby more than 90 m 300 ft .8 5 5 2 5 aircraft reaching a level an aircraft is considered to have reached the level to which it has been cleared when the elapsed time of three display updates three sensor updates or 15 seconds whichever is the greater has passed since the pressure altitude derived level information has indicated that it is within the appropriate tolerances of the assigned level as specified in 8 5 5 2 1.8 5 5 2 6 intervention by a controller shall only be required if differences in level information between that displayed to the controller and that used for control purposes are in excess of the values stated above exemple 108 more than 300 ft.more than 300 ft.

An aircraft intercepted by another aircraft shall immediately attempt to ?

Question 8-2 : 121 5 mhz 243 mhz 121 5 mhz 125 5 mhz 121 5 mhz 282 8 mhz 243 mhz 125 5 mhz

Icao annex 2 rules of the air .appendix 2 interception of civil aircraft. note see chapter 3 3 8 of the annex . . 2 action by intercepted aircraft.2 1 an aircraft which is intercepted by another aircraft shall immediately.a follow the instructions given by the intercepting aircraft interpreting and responding to visual signals in accordance with the specifications in appendix 1.b notify if possible the appropriate air traffic services unit.c attempt to establish radiocommunication with the intercepting aircraft or with the appropriate intercept control unit by making a general call on the emergency frequency 121 5 mhz giving the identity of the intercepted aircraft and the nature of the flight and if no contact has been established and if practicable repeating this call on the emergency frequency 243 mhz.d if equipped with ssr transponder select mode a code 7700 unless otherwise instructed by the appropriate air traffic services unit.e if equipped with ads b or ads c select the appropriate emergency functionality if available unless otherwise instructed by the appropriate air traffic services unit exemple 112 121.5 mhz - 243 mhz121.5 mhz - 243 mhz

Outside rvsm airspace an aircraft is considered to be maintaining its assigned ?

Question 8-3 : +/ 300 ft of the assigned level +/ 500 ft of the assigned level +/ 200 ft of the assigned level +/ 250 ft of the assigned level

Icao doc 4444 8 5 5 2 exemple 116 +/- 300 ft of the assigned level.+/- 300 ft of the assigned level.

An aircraft is considered to overtake another if it approaches the other ?

Question 8-4 : 70 degrees with the plane of symmetry of the latter 50 degrees with the plane of symmetry of the latter 60 degrees with the plane of symmetry of the latter 80 degrees with the plane of symmetry of the latter

Annex 2 rules of the air .3 2 2 right of way.3 2 2 4 overtaking an overtaking aircraft is an aircraft that approaches another from the rear on a line forming an angle of less than 70 degrees with the plane of symmetry of the latter i e is in such a position with reference to the other aircraft that at night it should be unable to see either of the aircraft's left port or right starboard navigation lights an aircraft that is being overtaken has the right of way and the overtaking aircraft whether climbing descending or in horizontal flight shall keep out of the way of the other aircraft by altering its heading to the right and no subsequent change in the relative positions of the two aircraft shall absolve the overtaking aircraft from this obligation until it is entirely past and clear exemple 120 70 degrees with the plane of symmetry of the latter.70 degrees with the plane of symmetry of the latter.

An aircraft is maintaining fl 150 within airspace class c another aircraft ?

Question 8-5 : When the other aircraft has reported that it has descended through fl 130 when the other aircraft has reported that it has left fl 140 when the other aircraft has reported that it has reached fl 70 when the other aircraft has reported that it has left fl 120

Doc4444 procedures for air navigation services air traffic management pans atm . 5 3 4 vertical separation during climb or descent .5 3 4 1 an aircraft may be cleared to a level previously occupied by another aircraft after the latter has reported vacating it except when.a severe turbulence is known to exist.b the higher aircraft is effecting a cruise climb or..c the difference in aircraft performance is such that less than the applicable separation minimum may result.in which case such clearance shall be withheld until the aircraft vacating the level has reported at or passing another level separated by the required minimum exemple 124 when the other aircraft has reported that it has descended through fl 130.when the other aircraft has reported that it has descended through fl 130.

An aircraft making a radar approach should be advised to consider executing a ?

Question 8-6 : 2 nm 1 nm 4 nm 3 nm

Icao doc 4444 pans atm .8 9 6 radar approaches.8 9 6 1 8 an aircraft making a radar approach should.a be directed to execute a missed approach in the following circumstances.i when the aircraft appears to be dangerously positioned on final approach or..ii for reasons involving traffic conflictions or..iii if no clearance to land has been received from the procedural controller by the time the aircraft reaches a distance of 4 km 2 nm from touchdown or such other distance as has been agreed with the aerodrome control tower or..iv on instructions by the aerodrome controller or..b be advised to consider executing a missed approach in the following circumstances.i when the aircraft reaches a position from which it appears that a successful approach cannot be completed or..ii if the aircraft is not visible on the situation display for any significant interval during the last 4 km 2 nm of the approach or..iii if the position or identification of the aircraft is in doubt during any portion of the final approach.in all such cases the reason for the instruction or the advice should be given to the pilot exemple 128 2 nm.2 nm.

An aircraft making a radar approach should be directed to consider executing a ?

Question 8-7 : Last 2 nm of the approach last 4 nm of the approach last 3 nm of the approach last 5 nm of the approach

Icao doc 4444 pans atm .8 9 6 radar approaches.8 9 6 1 8 an aircraft making a radar approach should.a be directed to execute a missed approach in the following circumstances.i when the aircraft appears to be dangerously positioned on final approach or..ii for reasons involving traffic conflictions or..iii if no clearance to land has been received from the procedural controller by the time the aircraft reaches a distance of 4 km 2 nm from touchdown or such other distance as has been agreed with the aerodrome control tower or..iv on instructions by the aerodrome controller or..b be advised to consider executing a missed approach in the following circumstances.i when the aircraft reaches a position from which it appears that a successful approach cannot be completed or..ii if the aircraft is not visible on the situation display for any significant interval during the last 4 km 2 nm of the approach or..iii if the position or identification of the aircraft is in doubt during any portion of the final approach.in all such cases the reason for the instruction or the advice should be given to the pilot exemple 132 last 2 nm of the approach.last 2 nm of the approach.

An aircraft making a radar approach should be directed to execute a missed ?

Question 8-8 : 2 nm from the touchdown 4 nm from the touchdown 5 nm from the touchdown 1 5 nm from the touchdown

Icao doc 4444 pans atm .8 9 6 radar approaches.8 9 6 1 8 an aircraft making a radar approach should.a be directed to execute a missed approach in the following circumstances.i when the aircraft appears to be dangerously positioned on final approach or..ii for reasons involving traffic conflictions or..iii if no clearance to land has been received from the procedural controller by the time the aircraft reaches a distance of 4 km 2 nm from touchdown or such other distance as has been agreed with the aerodrome control tower or..iv on instructions by the aerodrome controller or..b be advised to consider executing a missed approach in the following circumstances.i when the aircraft reaches a position from which it appears that a successful approach cannot be completed or..ii if the aircraft is not visible on the situation display for any significant interval during the last 4 km 2 nm of the approach or..iii if the position or identification of the aircraft is in doubt during any portion of the final approach.in all such cases the reason for the instruction or the advice should be given to the pilot exemple 136 2 nm from the touchdown.2 nm from the touchdown.

The information communicated in an atis broadcast shall be updated ?

Question 8-9 : Immediately a significant change occurs every 30 minutes every 60 minutes every 90 minutes

Annex 11 . 4 3 6 automatic terminal information service.b the information communicated shall be updated immediately a significant change occurs exemple 140 immediately a significant change occurs.immediately a significant change occurs.

An ats airspace where ifr and vfr are permitted and receive flight information ?

Question 8-10 : Airspace g airspace f airspace c airspace e

Annex 11 air traffic services official table . 740 exemple 144 airspace g.airspace g.

An ats airspace where ifr and vfr are permitted ifr flights are subject to air ?

Question 8-11 : Airspace e airspace d airspace b airspace a

Annex 11 air traffic services official table . 740 exemple 148 airspace e.airspace e.

An ats airspace where ifr and vfr flights are permitted all flights are subject ?

Question 8-12 : Airspace b airspace a airspace d airspace e

Annex 11 air traffic services official table . 740 exemple 152 airspace b.airspace b.

An ats airspace where ifr and vfr flights are permitted all flights are subject ?

Question 8-13 : Airspace c airspace d airspace e airspace b

Annex 11 air traffic services official table . 740 exemple 156 airspace c.airspace c.

An ats airspace where ifr and vfr flights are permitted all participating ifr ?

Question 8-14 : Airspace f airspace g airspace e airspace d

Annex 11 air traffic services official table . 740 exemple 160 airspace f.airspace f.

An ats airspace where ifr and vfr fligts are permitted and all flights are ?

Question 8-15 : Airspace d airspace b airspace e airspace a

Annex 11 air traffic services official table . 740 exemple 164 airspace d.airspace d.

Approach control service.an expected approach time eat will be transmitted by ?

Question 8-16 : For 30 minutes or more for 10 minutes or more for 15 minutes or more for 20 minutes or more

Doc 4444 pans atm.chapter 6 separation in the vicinity of aerodromes. 6 5 7 expected approach time . .6 5 7 2 an expected approach time shall be transmitted to the aircraft by the most expeditious means whenever it is anticipated that the aircraft will be required to hold for 30 minutes or more exemple 168 for 30 minutes or more.for 30 minutes or more.

Area control centres issue clearances for the purpose of ?

Question 8-17 : Achieving separation between controlled flights achieving separation between ifr flights providing flight information service providing advisory service

exemple 172 achieving separation between controlled flightsachieving separation between controlled flights

At the commencement of final approach if the controller possesses wind ?

Question 8-18 : 5 kt 3 kt 10 kt 8 kt

Pans atm doc4444 .6 6 4 at the commencement of final approach the following information shall be transmitted to aircraft.a significant changes in the mean surface wind direction and speed.note significant changes are specified in annex 3 chapter 4 however if the controller possesses wind information in the form of components the significant changes are. mean headwind component 19 km/h 10 kt. mean tailwind component 4 km/h 2 kt. mean crosswind component 9 km/h 5 kt exemple 176 5 kt.5 kt.

At the commencement of final approach if the controller possesses wind ?

Question 8-19 : 10 kt 5 kt 8 kt 4 kt

Pans atm doc4444 .6 6 4 at the commencement of final approach the following information shall be transmitted to aircraft.a significant changes in the mean surface wind direction and speed.note significant changes are specified in annex 3 chapter 4 however if the controller possesses wind information in the form of components the significant changes are. mean headwind component 19 km/h 10 kt. mean tailwind component 4 km/h 2 kt. mean crosswind component 9 km/h 5 kt

At the commencement of final approach if the controller possesses wind ?

Question 8-20 : 2 kt 4 kt 5 kt 3 kt

Pans atm doc4444 .6 6 4 at the commencement of final approach the following information shall be transmitted to aircraft.a significant changes in the mean surface wind direction and speed.note significant changes are specified in annex 3 chapter 4 however if the controller possesses wind information in the form of components the significant changes are. mean headwind component 19 km/h 10 kt. mean tailwind component 4 km/h 2 kt. mean crosswind component 9 km/h 5 kt exemple 184 2 kt.2 kt.

Atis updating.whenever atis is provided the broadcast information shall be ?

Question 8-21 : Immediately a significant change occurs at least every half an hour independently of any significant change as prescribed by the meteorological office as prescribed by the state

Annex 11 . 4 3 6 automatic terminal information service voice and/or data link.the information communicated shall be updated immediately a significant change occurs

Atis broadcast ?

Question 8-22 : Shall not be transmitted on the voice channel of an ils shall be transmitted on the voice channel of an ils on a discrete vhf frequency or on the voice channel of a vor shall not be transmitted on the voice of a vor shall only be transmitted on a discrete vhf frequency

Annex 11 air traffic services .chapter 4 flight information service.4 3 4 2 a discrete vhf frequency shall whenever practicable be used for voice atis broadcasts if a discrete frequency is not available the transmission may be made on the voice channel s of the most appropriate terminal navigation aid s preferably a vor provided the range and readability are adequate and the identification of the navigation aid is sequenced with the broadcast so that the latter is not obliterated.4 3 4 3 voice atis broadcasts shall not be transmitted on the voice channel of an ils exemple 192 shall not be transmitted on the voice channel of an ils.shall not be transmitted on the voice channel of an ils.

Atis broadcast messages containing departure and arrival information should ?

Question 8-23 : Below 1500 m 5000 ft or below the highest minimum sector altitude whichever is the greater below 900 m 3000 ft or below the highest minimum sector altitude whichever is the greater below 2000 m 6000 ft or below the highest minimum sector altitude whichever is the greater only cumulonimbus

Icao annex 11 and doc4444 . 4 3 7 atis for arriving and departing aircraft .atis messages containing both arrival and departure informationshall contain the following elements of information in the order listed.a name of aerodrome.b arrival and/or departure indicator.c contract type if communication is via d atis.d designator.e time of observation if appropriate.f type of approach es to be expected.g the runway s in use status of arresting system constituting a potential hazard if any.h significant runway surface conditions and if appropriate braking action.i holding delay if appropriate.j transition level if applicable.k other essential operational information.l surface wind direction and speed including significant variations and if surface wind sensors related specifically to the sections of runway s in use are available and the information is required by operators the indication of the runway and the section of the runway to which the information refers.m visibility and when applicable rvr.n present weather.o cloud below 1500 m 5000 ft or below the highest minimum sector altitude whichever is greater cumulonimbus if the sky is obscured vertical visibility when available.p air temperature.q dew point temperature.r altimeter setting s.s any available information on significant meteorological phenomena in the approach and climb out areas including wind shear and information on recent weather of operational significance.t trend forecast when available and..u specific atis instructions exemple 196 below 1500 m (5000 ft) or below the highest minimum sector altitude, whichever is the greater.below 1500 m (5000 ft) or below the highest minimum sector altitude, whichever is the greater.

Change from ifr to vfr will always take place ?

Question 8-24 : On the initiative of the aircraft commander at the clearance limit irrespective of the weather conditions as instructed by an air traffic control unit when the aircraft is leaving controlled airspace during vmc

exemple 200 on the initiative of the aircraft commander.on the initiative of the aircraft commander.

Classification of airspace above 3050m 10000 ft amsl the vmc minima for vfr ?

Question 8-25 : Visibility 8 km distance from clouds 1500 m horizontal 1000 ft vertical visibility 5 km distance from clouds 1500 m horizontal 1000 ft vertical visibility 8 km clear of clouds no minima defined vfr flights are not permitted

exemple 204 visibility: 8 km, distance from clouds: 1500 m horizontal, 1000 ft vertical.visibility: 8 km, distance from clouds: 1500 m horizontal, 1000 ft vertical.

Clearance for descent.an aircraft flying under ifr maintaining fl 150 has ?

Question 8-26 : That he has left fl 140 that he has descended through fl 130 that he has passed through fl 100 that he has reached fl 70

Doc4444 procedures for air navigation services air traffic management pans atm . 5 3 4 vertical separation during climb or descent .5 3 4 1 an aircraft may be cleared to a level previously occupied by another aircraft after the latter has reported vacating it except when.a severe turbulence is known to exist.b the higher aircraft is effecting a cruise climb or..c the difference in aircraft performance is such that less than the applicable separation minimum may result.in which case such clearance shall be withheld until the aircraft vacating the level has reported at or passing another levelseparated by the required minimum exemple 208 that he has left fl 140.that he has left fl 140.

Clearance on final approach.a pilot may expect to receive the clearance to land ?

Question 8-27 : 2 nm from touchdown 3 nm from touchdown 4 nm from touchdown 5 nm from touchdown

Icao doc 4444 .8 9 6 1 7 clearance to land or any alternative clearance received from the aerodrome controller or when applicable the procedural controller should normally be passed to the aircraft before it reaches a distance of 4 km 2 nm from touchdown exemple 212 2 nm from touchdown.2 nm from touchdown.

Clearances will be issued by an atc unit for the purpose of ?

Question 8-28 : Achieving separation between controlled flights providing flight information service providing advisory services providing alerting services

exemple 216 achieving separation between controlled flights.achieving separation between controlled flights.

Concerning to rnp required navigation performance types the indication rnp 4 ?

Question 8-29 : Plus or minus 4 nm on a 95 per cent containment basis plus or minus 4 nm on a 90 per cent containment basis plus or minus 4 nm on a 98 per cent containment basis plus or minus 4 miles on a 90 per cent containment basis

Pans atm doc4444 . rnp type a containment value expressed as a distance in nautical miles from the intended position within which flights would be for at least 95 per cent of the total flying time.example rnp 4 represents a navigation accuracy of plus or minus 7 4 km 4 nm on a 95 per cent containment basis. 741 exemple 220 plus or minus 4 nm on a 95 per cent containment basis.plus or minus 4 nm on a 95 per cent containment basis.

A control area cta is a controlled airspace extending upwards from ?

Question 8-30 : A specified limit above the earth a height of 900 feet above the earth a height of 500 feet above the earth the surface of the earth to a specified limit

Pans atm doc4444 . control zone ctr controlled airspace extending upwards from the surface of the earth to a specified upper limit. controlled airspace an airspace of defined dimensions within which air traffic control service is provided in accordance with the airspace classification .note controlled airspace is a generic term which covers ats airspace classes a b c d and e. 735.. control area cta a controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above the earth. advisory airspace an airspace of defined dimensions or designated route within which air traffic advisory service is available exemple 224 a specified limit above the earth.a specified limit above the earth.

Ctr minimum lateral limits..how many nm shall a control zone extend at least ?

Question 8-31 : 5 nm 7 5 nm 10 nm 15 nm

A control zone is a controlled airspace extending upwards from the surface of the earth to a specified upper limit.annex 11 air traffic services .2 10 5 control zones.2 10 5 1 the lateral limits of control zones shall encompass at least those portions of the airspace which are not within control areas containing the paths of ifr flights arriving at and departing from aerodromes to be used under instrument meteorological conditions.2 10 5 2 the lateral limits of a control zone shall extend to at least 9 3 km 5 nm from the centre of the aerodrome or aerodromes concerned in the directions from which approaches may be made exemple 228 5 nm.5 nm.

During an arrival procedure under an ifr flight plan in vmc conditions traffic ?

Question 8-32 : The pilot in command the approach controller the radar controller the airport controller

In vmc and imc in vmc conditions the crew are ultimately responsible for avoiding collisions with other aircraft exemple 232 the pilot in command.the pilot in command.

During an ifr flight in vmc in controlled airspace you experience a two way ?

Question 8-33 : Land at the nearest suitable aerodrome maintaining vmc and inform atc descend to the flight level submitted for that portion of flight land at the nearest suitable aerodrome and inform atc select a7600 and continue according current flight plan to destination

Doc 4444 chapter 15 procedures related to emergencies communication failure and contingencies.15 3 air ground communications failure..15 3 3 if the aircraft fails to indicate that it is able to receive and acknowledge transmissions separation shall be maintained between the aircraft having the communication failure and other aircraft based on the assumption that the aircraft will .a if in visual meteorological conditions .1 continue to fly in visual meteorological conditions .2 land at the nearest suitable aerodrome and.3 report its arrival by the most expeditious means to the appropriate air traffic control unit exemple 236 land at the nearest suitable aerodrome maintaining vmc and inform atc.land at the nearest suitable aerodrome maintaining vmc and inform atc.

Expected approach time / eat a pilot receive an eat as soon as practicable when ?

Question 8-34 : 10 minutes or more 15 minutes or more 10 minutes 20 minutes

If the approach time will be delayed by 10 minutes or more the pilot must be informed as soon as posible.if he must hold for at least a minimum of 30 minutes the pilot must be informed as soon as posible.in the first case the pilot can adjust his cruise speed in order not to hold on arrival for example.. estimated time of arrival for ifr flights the time at which it is estimated that the aircraft will arrive over that designated point defined by reference to navigation aids from which it is intended that an instrument approach procedure will be commenced or if no navigation aid is associated with the aerodrome the time at which the aircraft will arrive over the aerodrome for vfr flights the time at which it is estimated that the aircraft will arrive over the aerodrome. expected approach time the time at which atc expects that an arriving aircraft following a delay will leave the holding fix to complete its approach for a landing exemple 240 10 minutes or more.10 minutes or more.

Except in some special cases the establishment of change over points should be ?

Question 8-35 : 60 nm or more 75 nm or more 50 nm or more 100 nm or more

Annex 11 air traffic services.2 13 establishment ofchange over points.2 13 1 recommendation change over points should be established on ats route segments defined by reference to very high frequency omnidirectional radio ranges where this will assist accurate navigation along the route segments the establishment of change over points should be limited to route segments of 110 km 60 nm or more except where the complexity of ats routes the density of navigation aids or other technical and operational reasons warrant the establishment of change over points on shorter route segments exemple 244 60 nm or more.60 nm or more.

Except otherwise established by the appropriate ats authority a surveillance ?

Question 8-36 : 2 nm 3 nm 4 nm 5 nm

Pans atm doc4444 .8 9 7 1 surveillance radar approach.8 9 7 1 1 a final approach using solely surveillance radar should not be carried out if precision approach radar is available unless meteorological conditions are such as to indicate with reasonable certainty that a surveillance radar approach can be completed successfully.8 9 7 1 2 a surveillance radar approach shall only be performed with equipment suitably sited and a situation display specifically marked to provide information on position relative to the extended centre line of the runway to be used and distance from touchdown and which is specifically approved for the purpose by the appropriate ats authority.8 9 7 1 3 when conducting a surveillance radar approach the controller shall comply with the following . .f the surveillance radar approach shall be terminated.i at a distance of 4 km 2 nm from touchdown or..ii before the aircraft enters an area of continuous radar clutter or..iii when the pilot reports that a visual approach can be effected.whichever is the earliest exemple 248 2 nm.2 nm.

Except when prescribed in procedures or made possible by agreements aircraft ?

Question 8-37 : 2 5 nm 1 5 nm 3 nm 5 nm

Pans atm doc 4444.8 6 5 vectoring..8 6 5 1 vectoring shall be achieved by issuing to the pilot specific headings which will enable the aircraft to maintain the desired track when vectoring an aircraft a controller shall comply with the following . .c except when transfer of control is to be effected aircraft shall not be vectored closer than 4 6 km 2 5 nm or where the minimum permissible separation is greater than 9 3 km 5 nm a distance equivalent to one half of the prescribed separation minimum from the limit of the airspace for which the controller is responsible unless local arrangements have been made to ensure that separation will exist with aircraft operating in adjoining areas exemple 252 2.5 nm.2.5 nm.

Fligh information region fir is an airspace within which the following services ?

Question 8-38 : Flight information service and alerting service flight information service alerting service and advisory service flight information service only flight information service and advisory service

Icao doc 4444 procedures for air navigation services air traffic management.chapter 1 definitions. flight information region fir an airspace of defined dimensions within which flight information service and alerting service are provided. flight information service a service provided for the purpose of giving advice and information useful for the safe and efficient conduct of flights. alerting service a service provided to notify appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid and assist such organizations as required exemple 256 flight information service and alerting service.flight information service and alerting service.

Flight information service provided to flights shall include the provision of ?

Question 8-39 : C to g inclusive a to g inclusive a to e inclusive f and g

Icao annex 11 air traffic services.chapter 4 flight information service..4 2 2 flight information service provided to flights shall include in addition to that outlined in 4 2 1 the provision of information concerning.a weather conditions reported or forecast at departure destination and alternate aerodromes. b collision hazards to aircraft operating in airspace classes c d e f and g exemple 260 c to g (inclusive).c to g (inclusive).

Flight information service shall be provided to aircraft in order to avoid ?

Question 8-40 : C d e f and g a b c d e f and g f and g only f only

Icao annex 11 air traffic services.chapter 4 flight information service..4 2 2 flight information service provided to flights shall include in addition to that outlined in 4 2 1 the provision of information concerning.a weather conditions reported or forecast at departure destination and alternate aerodromes. b collision hazards to aircraft operating in airspace classes c d e f and g exemple 264 c, d, e, f, and g.c, d, e, f, and g.


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