Question > security : An aircraft in climb or descent is considered to have crossed a level when the ?
Question 8-1 : More than 300 ft more than 100 ft 1000 ft more than 500 ft

An aircraft intercepted by another aircraft shall immediately attempt to ?
Question 8-2 : 121 5 mhz 243 mhz 121 5 mhz 125 5 mhz 121 5 mhz 282 8 mhz 243 mhz 125 5 mhz

Outside rvsm airspace an aircraft is considered to be maintaining its assigned ?
Question 8-3 : +/ 300 ft of the assigned level +/ 500 ft of the assigned level +/ 200 ft of the assigned level +/ 250 ft of the assigned level

An aircraft is considered to overtake another if it approaches the other ?
Question 8-4 : 70 degrees with the plane of symmetry of the latter 50 degrees with the plane of symmetry of the latter 60 degrees with the plane of symmetry of the latter 80 degrees with the plane of symmetry of the latter

An aircraft is maintaining fl 150 within airspace class c another aircraft ?
Question 8-5 : When the other aircraft has reported that it has descended through fl 130 when the other aircraft has reported that it has left fl 140 when the other aircraft has reported that it has reached fl 70 when the other aircraft has reported that it has left fl 120

An aircraft making a radar approach should be advised to consider executing a ?
Question 8-6 : 2 nm 1 nm 4 nm 3 nm

An aircraft making a radar approach should be directed to consider executing a ?
Question 8-7 : Last 2 nm of the approach last 4 nm of the approach last 3 nm of the approach last 5 nm of the approach

An aircraft making a radar approach should be directed to execute a missed ?
Question 8-8 : 2 nm from the touchdown 4 nm from the touchdown 5 nm from the touchdown 1 5 nm from the touchdown

The information communicated in an atis broadcast shall be updated ?
Question 8-9 : Immediately a significant change occurs every 30 minutes every 60 minutes every 90 minutes

An ats airspace where ifr and vfr are permitted and receive flight information ?
Question 8-10 : Airspace g airspace f airspace c airspace e

An ats airspace where ifr and vfr are permitted ifr flights are subject to air ?
Question 8-11 : Airspace e airspace d airspace b airspace a

An ats airspace where ifr and vfr flights are permitted all flights are subject ?
Question 8-12 : Airspace b airspace a airspace d airspace e

An ats airspace where ifr and vfr flights are permitted all flights are subject ?
Question 8-13 : Airspace c airspace d airspace e airspace b

An ats airspace where ifr and vfr flights are permitted all participating ifr ?
Question 8-14 : Airspace f airspace g airspace e airspace d

An ats airspace where ifr and vfr fligts are permitted and all flights are ?
Question 8-15 : Airspace d airspace b airspace e airspace a

Approach control expected approach time eat will be transmitted by ?
Question 8-16 : For 30 minutes or more for 10 minutes or more for 15 minutes or more for 20 minutes or more

Area control centres issue clearances for the purpose of ?
Question 8-17 : Achieving separation between controlled flights achieving separation between ifr flights providing flight information service providing advisory service

At the commencement of final approach if the controller possesses wind ?
Question 8-18 : 5 kt 3 kt 10 kt 8 kt

At the commencement of final approach if the controller possesses wind ?
Question 8-19 : 10 kt 5 kt 8 kt 4 kt
At the commencement of final approach if the controller possesses wind ?
Question 8-20 : 2 kt 4 kt 5 kt 3 kt

Atis updating.whenever atis is provided the broadcast information shall be ?
Question 8-21 : Immediately a significant change occurs at least every half an hour independently of any significant change as prescribed by the meteorological office as prescribed by the state
Atis broadcast ?
Question 8-22 : Shall not be transmitted on the voice channel of an ils shall be transmitted on the voice channel of an ils on a discrete vhf frequency or on the voice channel of a vor shall not be transmitted on the voice of a vor shall only be transmitted on a discrete vhf frequency

Atis broadcast messages containing departure and arrival information should ?
Question 8-23 : Below 1500 m 5000 ft or below the highest minimum sector altitude whichever is the greater below 900 m 3000 ft or below the highest minimum sector altitude whichever is the greater below 2000 m 6000 ft or below the highest minimum sector altitude whichever is the greater only cumulonimbus

Change from ifr to vfr will always take place ?
Question 8-24 : On the initiative of the aircraft commander at the clearance limit irrespective of the weather conditions as instructed by an air traffic control unit when the aircraft is leaving controlled airspace during vmc

Classification of airspace above 3050m 10000 ft amsl the vmc minima for vfr ?
Question 8-25 : Visibility 8 km distance from clouds 1500 m horizontal 1000 ft vertical visibility 5 km distance from clouds 1500 m horizontal 1000 ft vertical visibility 8 km clear of clouds no minima defined vfr flights are not permitted

Clearance for aircraft flying under ifr maintaining fl 150 has ?
Question 8-26 : That he has left fl 140 that he has descended through fl 130 that he has passed through fl 100 that he has reached fl 70

Clearance on final approach.a pilot may expect to receive the clearance to land ?
Question 8-27 : 2 nm from touchdown 3 nm from touchdown 4 nm from touchdown 5 nm from touchdown

Clearances will be issued by an atc unit for the purpose of ?
Question 8-28 : Achieving separation between controlled flights providing flight information service providing advisory services providing alerting services

Concerning to rnp required navigation performance types the indication rnp 4 ?
Question 8-29 : Plus or minus 4 nm on a 95 per cent containment basis plus or minus 4 nm on a 90 per cent containment basis plus or minus 4 nm on a 98 per cent containment basis plus or minus 4 miles on a 90 per cent containment basis

A control area cta is a controlled airspace extending upwards from ?
Question 8-30 : A specified limit above the earth a height of 900 feet above the earth a height of 500 feet above the earth the surface of the earth to a specified limit

Ctr minimum lateral many nm shall a control zone extend at least ?
Question 8-31 : 5 nm 7 5 nm 10 nm 15 nm

During an arrival procedure under an ifr flight plan in vmc conditions traffic ?
Question 8-32 : The pilot in command the approach controller the radar controller the airport controller

During an ifr flight in vmc in controlled airspace you experience a two way ?
Question 8-33 : Land at the nearest suitable aerodrome maintaining vmc and inform atc descend to the flight level submitted for that portion of flight land at the nearest suitable aerodrome and inform atc select a7600 and continue according current flight plan to destination

Expected approach time / eat a pilot receive an eat as soon as practicable when ?
Question 8-34 : 10 minutes or more 15 minutes or more 10 minutes 20 minutes

Except in some special cases the establishment of change over points should be ?
Question 8-35 : 60 nm or more 75 nm or more 50 nm or more 100 nm or more

Except otherwise established by the appropriate ats authority a surveillance ?
Question 8-36 : 2 nm 3 nm 4 nm 5 nm

Except when prescribed in procedures or made possible by agreements aircraft ?
Question 8-37 : 2 5 nm 1 5 nm 3 nm 5 nm

Fligh information region fir is an airspace within which the following services ?
Question 8-38 : Flight information service and alerting service flight information service alerting service and advisory service flight information service only flight information service and advisory service

Flight information service provided to flights shall include the provision of ?
Question 8-39 : C to g inclusive a to g inclusive a to e inclusive f and g

Flight information service shall be provided to aircraft in order to avoid ?
Question 8-40 : C d e f and g a b c d e f and g f and g only f only

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