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An aircraft in climb or descent is considered to have crossed a level when the SSR mode C derived level information indicates that it has passed this level in the required direction by ? Study > Manual

exemple question 119
Icao doc4444 pans atm 'procedures air navigation services air traffic management' 8 5 5 2 determination of level occupancy 8 5 5 2 1 the criterion which shall be used to determine that a specific level occupied an aircraft shall be +/ 60 m (+/ 200 ft) in rvsm airspace in other airspace it shall be +/ 90 m (+/ 300 ft) except that appropriate ats authority may specify a smaller criterion but not less than +/ 60 m (+/ 200 ft) if this found to be more practical 8 5 5 2 2 aircraft maintaining a level an aircraft considered to be maintaining its assigned level as long as pressure altitude derived level information indicates that it within appropriate tolerances of assigned level asspecified in 8 5 5 2 1 8 5 5 2 3 aircraft vacating a level an aircraft cleared to leave a level considered to have commenced its manoeuvre vacated previously occupied level when pressure altitude derived level information indicates achange of more than 90 m (300 ft) in anticipated direction from its previously assigned level 8 5 5 2 4 aircraft passing a level in climb or descent an aircraft in climb or descent considered to have crossed a level when pressure altitude derived level information indicates that it has passed this level in required directionby more than 90 m (300 ft) 8 5 5 2 5 aircraft reaching a level an aircraft considered to have reached level to which it has been cleared when elapsed time of three display updates three sensor updates or 15 seconds whichever the greater has passed since pressure altitude derived level information has indicated that it within appropriate tolerances of assigned level as specified in 8 5 5 2 1 8 5 5 2 6 intervention a controller shall only be required if differences in level information between that displayed to controller that used control purposes are in excess of values stated above.

An aircraft intercepted by another aircraft shall immediately attempt to establish radio communication with the intercepting aircraft on the following frequencies ?

exemple question 120
An aircraft intercepted another aircraft shall immediately attempt to establish radio communication with intercepting aircraft on following frequencies Icao annex 2 rules of air appendix 2 interception of civil aircraft (note see chapter 3 3 8 of annex) 2 action intercepted aircraft 2 1 an aircraft which intercepted another aircraft shall immediately a) follow instructions given the intercepting aircraft interpreting responding to visual signals in accordance with specifications in appendix 1 b) notify if possible appropriate air traffic services unit c) attempt to establish radiocommunication with intercepting aircraft or with appropriate intercept control unit making a general call on emergency frequency 121 5 mhz giving identity of intercepted aircraft the nature of flight if no contact has been established if practicable repeating this call on emergency frequency 243 mhz d) if equipped with ssr transponder select mode a code 7700 unless otherwise instructed the appropriate air traffic services unit e) if equipped with ads b or ads c select appropriate emergency functionality if available unless otherwise instructed the appropriate air traffic services unit.

Outside RVSM airspace an aircraft is considered to be maintaining its assigned level as long as the SSR mode C derived level information indicated that it is within ?

exemple question 121
Outside rvsm airspace an aircraft considered to be maintaining its assigned level as long as ssr mode c derived level information indicated that it within +/ 3 ft of assigned level. Icao doc 4444 8 5 5 2.

exemple question 122
An aircraft considered to overtake another if it approaches other aircraft from rear on a line forming an angle of less than 7 degrees with plane of symmetry of latter. Annex 2 rules of air 3 2 2 right of way 3 2 2 4 overtaking an overtaking aircraft an aircraft that approaches another from rear on a line forming an angle of less than 70 degrees with plane of symmetry of latter i e in such a position with reference to other aircraft that at night it should be unable to see either of aircraft's left (port) or right (starboard) navigation lights an aircraft that being overtaken has right of way the overtaking aircraft whether climbing descending or in horizontal flight shall keep out of way of other aircraft altering its heading to right no subsequent change in relative positions of two aircraft shall absolve overtaking aircraft from this obligation until it entirely past clear.

exemple question 123
An aircraft maintaining fl 150 within airspace class c another aircraft below at fl 140 receiving a clearance to descend to fl 70 it severe turbulence in area when the earliest that a clearance to descend to fl 140 or below can be expected When other aircraft has reported that it has descended through fl 3. Doc4444 procedures air navigation services air traffic management (pans atm) 5 3 4 vertical separation during climb or descent 5 3 4 1 an aircraft may be cleared to a level previously occupied another aircraft after latter has reported vacating it except when a) severe turbulence known to exist b) higher aircraft effecting a cruise climb or c) difference in aircraft performance such that less than applicable separation minimum may result in which case such clearance shall be withheld until aircraft vacating level has reported at or passing another level separated the required minimum.

exemple question 124
An aircraft making a radar approach should be advised to consider executing a missed approach if position or identification of aircraft in doubt during any portion of final approach or if aircraft not visible on radar display significant interval during last When other aircraft has reported that it has descended through fl 3. Icao doc 4444 pans atm 8 9 6 radar approaches 8 9 6 1 8 an aircraft making a radar approach should a) be directed to execute a missed approach in following circumstances i) when aircraft appears to be dangerously positioned on final approach or ii) reasons involving traffic conflictions or iii) if no clearance to land has been received from procedural controller the time aircraft reaches a distance of 4 km (2 nm) from touchdown or such other distance as has been agreed with aerodrome control tower or iv) on instructions the aerodrome controller or b) be advised to consider executing a missed approach in following circumstances i) when aircraft reaches a position from which it appears that a successful approach cannot be completed or ii) if aircraft not visible on situation display any significant interval during last 4 km (2 nm) of approach or iii) if position or identification of aircraft in doubt during any portion of final approach in all such cases reason the instruction or advice should be given to pilot.

exemple question 125
An aircraft making a radar approach should be directed to consider executing a missed approach if aircraft not visible on radar display any significant interval during Last 2 nm of approach. Icao doc 4444 pans atm 8 9 6 radar approaches 8 9 6 1 8 an aircraft making a radar approach should a) be directed to execute a missed approach in following circumstances i) when aircraft appears to be dangerously positioned on final approach or ii) reasons involving traffic conflictions or iii) if no clearance to land has been received from procedural controller the time aircraft reaches a distance of 4 km (2 nm) from touchdown or such other distance as has been agreed with aerodrome control tower or iv) on instructions the aerodrome controller or b) be advised to consider executing a missed approach in following circumstances i) when aircraft reaches a position from which it appears that a successful approach cannot be completed or ii) if aircraft not visible on situation display any significant interval during last 4 km (2 nm) of approach or iii) if position or identification of aircraft in doubt during any portion of final approach in all such cases reason the instruction or advice should be given to pilot.

An aircraft making a radar approach should be directed to execute a missed approach if no clearance to land has been received from non radar controller the time aircraft reaches a distance of Last 2 nm of approach. Icao doc 4444 pans atm 8 9 6 radar approaches 8 9 6 1 8 an aircraft making a radar approach should a) be directed to execute a missed approach in following circumstances i) when aircraft appears to be dangerously positioned on final approach or ii) reasons involving traffic conflictions or iii) if no clearance to land has been received from procedural controller the time aircraft reaches a distance of 4 km (2 nm) from touchdown or such other distance as has been agreed with aerodrome control tower or iv) on instructions the aerodrome controller or b) be advised to consider executing a missed approach in following circumstances i) when aircraft reaches a position from which it appears that a successful approach cannot be completed or ii) if aircraft not visible on situation display any significant interval during last 4 km (2 nm) of approach or iii) if position or identification of aircraft in doubt during any portion of final approach in all such cases reason the instruction or advice should be given to pilot.

The information communicated in an atis broadcast shall be updated Immediately a significant change occurs. Annex 11 4 3 6 automatic terminal information service b) the information communicated shall be updated immediately a significant change occurs.

An ats airspace where ifr and vfr are permitted and receive flight information service if requested classified as Immediately a significant change occurs. Annex 11 air traffic services (official table) .

An ats airspace where ifr and vfr are permitted ifr flights are subject to air traffic control service and are separated from other ifr flights all flights receive traffic information as far as practical classified as Immediately a significant change occurs. Annex 11 air traffic services (official table) .

An ats airspace where ifr and vfr flights are permitted all flights are subject to air traffic control service and are separated from each other classified as Immediately a significant change occurs. Annex 11 air traffic services (official table) .

An ats airspace where ifr and vfr flights are permitted all flights are subject to air traffic control service and ifr flights are separated from other ifr flights and from vfr flights vfr flights are separated from ifr flights and receive traffic information about other vfr flight Immediately a significant change occurs. Annex 11 air traffic services (official table) .

An ats airspace where ifr and vfr flights are permitted all participating ifr flights receive an air traffic advisory service and all flights receive flight information service if requested classified Immediately a significant change occurs. Annex 11 air traffic services (official table) .

An ats airspace where ifr and vfr fligts are permitted and all flights are subject to air traffic control service ifr flights are separated from other ifr flights and receive traffic information in respect of vfr flights vfr flights receive traffic information in respect of all other flights classified as Immediately a significant change occurs. Annex 11 air traffic services (official table) .

Approach control service an expected approach time eat will be transmitted the most expeditious means to aircraft when it expected that it has to hold For 3 minutes or more. Doc 4444 pans atm chapter 6 separation in vicinity of aerodromes 6 5 7 expected approach time 6 5 7 2 an expected approach time shall be transmitted to aircraft the most expeditious means whenever it anticipated that aircraft will be required to hold 30 minutes or more.

Area control centres issue clearances the purpose of Achieving separation between controlled flights. Doc 4444 pans atm chapter 6 separation in vicinity of aerodromes 6 5 7 expected approach time 6 5 7 2 an expected approach time shall be transmitted to aircraft the most expeditious means whenever it anticipated that aircraft will be required to hold 30 minutes or more.

At commencement of final approach if controller possesses wind information in form of components significant changes in mean surface wind direction and speed shall be transmitted to aircraft the mean cross wind component significant change Achieving separation between controlled flights. Pans atm doc4444 6 6 4 at commencement of final approach following information shall be transmitted to aircraft a) significant changes in mean surface wind direction speed note significant changes are specified in annex 3 chapter 4 however if controller possesses wind information in form of components significant changes are mean headwind component 19 km/h (10 kt) mean tailwind component 4 km/h (2 kt) mean crosswind component 9 km/h (5 kt).

At commencement of final approach if controller possesses wind information in form of components significant changes in mean surface wind direction and speed shall be transmitted to aircraft the mean head wind component significant change Achieving separation between controlled flights. Pans atm doc4444 6 6 4 at commencement of final approach following information shall be transmitted to aircraft a) significant changes in mean surface wind direction speed note significant changes are specified in annex 3 chapter 4 however if controller possesses wind information in form of components significant changes are mean headwind component 19 km/h (10 kt) mean tailwind component 4 km/h (2 kt) mean crosswind component 9 km/h (5 kt).

At commencement of final approach if controller possesses wind information in form of components significant changes in mean surface wind direction and speed shall be transmitted to aircraft the mean tail wind component significant change Achieving separation between controlled flights. Pans atm doc4444 6 6 4 at commencement of final approach following information shall be transmitted to aircraft a) significant changes in mean surface wind direction speed note significant changes are specified in annex 3 chapter 4 however if controller possesses wind information in form of components significant changes are mean headwind component 19 km/h (10 kt) mean tailwind component 4 km/h (2 kt) mean crosswind component 9 km/h (5 kt).

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