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Flight Plan For an IFR flight to an airport equipped with navaids the estimated time of arrival is the estimated time at which the aircraft ? Validating > Marking

exemple question 121
Will arrive overhead initial approach fix. estimated time of arrival for ifr flights time at which it estimated that aircraft will arrive over that designated point defined reference to navigation aids from which it intended that an instrument approach procedure will be commenced or if no navigation aid associated with aerodrome time at which aircraft will arrive over aerodrome for vfr flights time at which it estimated that aircraft will arrive over aerodrome expected approach time the time at which atc expects that an arriving aircraft following a delay will leave holding fix to complete its approach a landing.

For controlled traffic that shall be separated in the vicinity of aerodromes separation may be reduced ?

exemple question 122
For controlled traffic that shall be separated in vicinity of aerodromes separation may be reduced When commander in following aircraft has preceding aircraft in sight is able to maintain own separation. estimated time of arrival for ifr flights time at which it estimated that aircraft will arrive over that designated point defined reference to navigation aids from which it intended that an instrument approach procedure will be commenced or if no navigation aid associated with aerodrome time at which aircraft will arrive over aerodrome for vfr flights time at which it estimated that aircraft will arrive over aerodrome expected approach time the time at which atc expects that an arriving aircraft following a delay will leave holding fix to complete its approach a landing.

If an ATC clearance is not suitable to the pilot in command of an aircraft ?

exemple question 123
If an atc clearance not suitable to pilot in command of an aircraft The pic may request and if practicable obtain an amended clearance. estimated time of arrival for ifr flights time at which it estimated that aircraft will arrive over that designated point defined reference to navigation aids from which it intended that an instrument approach procedure will be commenced or if no navigation aid associated with aerodrome time at which aircraft will arrive over aerodrome for vfr flights time at which it estimated that aircraft will arrive over aerodrome expected approach time the time at which atc expects that an arriving aircraft following a delay will leave holding fix to complete its approach a landing.

exemple question 124
General provisions change from ifr to vfr a change from instrument flight rules ifr to visual flight rules vfr only acceptable when vfr permitted in that air space and when The change initiated the pic with a containing specific expression 'cancelling my ifr flight'. Doc 4444 icao 4 5 traffic control clearances 4 8 change from ifr to vfr flight 4 8 1 change from instrument flight rules (ifr) flight to visual flight rules (vfr) flight only acceptable when a initiated the pilot in command containing specific expression « cancelling my ifr flight » together with changes if any to be made to current flight plan received an air traffic services unit no invitation to change from ifr flight to vfr flight to be made either directly or inference 4 8 2 no reply other than acknowledgment « ifr flight cancelled at (time) » should normally be made an air traffic services unit 4 8 3 when an ats unit in possession of information that instrument meteorological conditions are likely to be encountered along route of flight a pilot changing from ifr flight to vfr flight should if practicable be so advised.

exemple question 125
General provisions handling an atc flight plan in case of a delayin event of a delay an uncontrolled flight which a flight plan has been submitted flight plan should be amended or a new flight plan submitted and old one cancelled when delay exceeding original Estimated off block time 6 minutes. icao pans atm doc 4444 4 4 2 submission of a flight plan 4 4 2 1 prior to departure 4 4 2 1 3 in event of a delay of 30 minutes in excess of estimated off block time a controlled flight or a delay of one hour an uncontrolled flight which a flight plan has been submitted flight plan should be amended or a new flight plan submitted the old flight plan cancelled whichever applicable.

exemple question 127
General provisions responsibility terrain clearancewho in general responsible an atc clearance to be safe in respect to terrain clearance The pilot in command. icao pans atm doc 4444 4 4 2 submission of a flight plan 4 4 2 1 prior to departure 4 4 2 1 3 in event of a delay of 30 minutes in excess of estimated off block time a controlled flight or a delay of one hour an uncontrolled flight which a flight plan has been submitted flight plan should be amended or a new flight plan submitted the old flight plan cancelled whichever applicable.

exemple question 128
General provisions ats content of voice position reports according doc4444 a complete position report transmitted radiotelephony shall contain following elements of information in order listed ) aircraft identification 2) position 3) time 4) flight level or altitude 5) next position time over 6) ensuing significant point. On routes defined designated significant points position reports shall be made the aircraft when over or as soon as possible after passing each designated compulsory reporting point on routes not defined designated significant points position reports shall be made the aircraft as soon as possible after first half hour of flight at hourly intervals thereafter the position reports shall contain following elements of information a) aircraft identification b) position c) time d) flight level or altitude including passing level cleared level if not maintaining cleared level e) next position time over and f) ensuing significant point (see icao doc 4444 chapter 4 4 11 2 contents of voice position reports).

General provisions ats obstacle clearance when does air traffic control services have responsibility to prevent collisions with terrain When a flight in accordance with ifr vectored radar. Icao doc 4444 8 6 5 vectoring 8 6 5 2 when vectoring an ifr flight when giving an ifr flight a direct routing which takes aircraft off an ats route controller shall issue clearances such that prescribed obstacle clearance will exist at all times until aircraft reaches point where pilot will resume own navigation when necessary relevant minimum vectoring altitude shall include a correction low temperature effect note 1 when an ifr flight being vectored pilot may be unable to determine aircraft's exact position inrespect to obstacles in this area consequently altitude which provides required obstacle clearance detailedobstacle clearance criteria are contained in pans ops (doc 8168) volumes i ii see also 8 6 8 2 note 2 it the responsibility of ats authority to provide controller with minimum altitudes corrected fortemperature effect.

Given agl = above ground levelamsl = above mean sea levelfl = flight levelwithin uncontrolled airspace first usable level in ifr must provide a 500 ft margin above following two levels 3 ft amsl or ft agl. The transition altitude (when you change altimeter subscale setting from 1013 hpa to qnh) should not be below 3000 ft amsl or 1000 ft agl the transition level (when you change altimeter subscale setting from qnh to 1013 hpa) the first flight level above transition altitude.

What does acronym 'rnp' stand Required navigation performance. The transition altitude (when you change altimeter subscale setting from 1013 hpa to qnh) should not be below 3000 ft amsl or 1000 ft agl the transition level (when you change altimeter subscale setting from qnh to 1013 hpa) the first flight level above transition altitude.

If an arriving aircraft making a straight in approach a departing aircraft may take off in any direction Until 5 minutes before arriving aircraft estimated to be over instrument runway. Pans atm doc 4444 5 7 separation of departing aircraft from arriving aircraft 5 7 1 2 if an arriving aircraft making a straight in approach a departing aircraft may take off a) in any direction until 5 minutes before arriving aircraft estimated to be over instrument runway b) in a direction which different at least 45 degrees from reciprocal of direction of approach of arriving aircraft 1) until 3 minutes before arriving aircraft estimated to be over beginning of instrument runway(see figure below) or 2) before arriving aircraft crosses a designated fix on approach track location of such fix to be determined the appropriate ats authority after consultation with operators separation of departing aircraft from arriving aircraft.

If crew on an arriving aircraft approaching a controlled aerodrome will report 'field in sight' a clearance 'visual approach' may be given under certain conditions The air traffic controller will provide separation to other controlled traffic. doc 4444 icao pans atm definitions visual approach an approach an ifr flight when either part or all of an instrument approach procedure not completed the approach executed in visual reference to terrain 6 5 3 visual approach 6 5 3 1 clearance an ifr flight to execute a visual approach may be requested a flight crew or initiated the controller in latter case concurrence of flight crew shall be required 6 5 3 2 controllers shall exercise caution in initiating a visual approach when there reason to believe that flight crew concerned not familiar with aerodrome its surrounding terrain controllers should also take into consideration prevailing traffic meteorological conditions when initiating visual approaches 6 5 3 3 an ifr flight may be cleared to execute a visual approach provided pilot can maintain visual reference to terrain and a) reported ceiling at or above level of beginning of initial approach segment the aircraft socleared or b) pilot reports at level of beginning of initial approach segment or at any time during instrument approach procedure that meteorological conditions are such that with reasonable assurance a visual approachand landing can be completed 6 5 3 4 separation shall be provided between an aircraft cleared to execute a visual approach other arriving departing aircraft 6 5 3 5 for successive visual approaches separation shall be maintained the controller until pilot of asucceeding aircraft reports having preceding aircraft in sight the aircraft shall then be instructed to follow maintain own separation from preceding aircraft when both aircraft are of a heavy wake turbulence category or preceding aircraft of a heavier wake turbulence category than following the distance between aircraft less than appropriate wake turbulence minimum controller shall issue a caution of possible wake turbulence the pilot in command of aircraft concerned shall be responsible ensuring that spacing from a preceding aircraft of a heavier wake turbulence category acceptable if it determined that additional spacing required flight crew shall inform atc unit accordingly stating their requirements 6 5 3 6 transfer of communications to aerodrome controller should be effected at such a point or time that information on essential local traffic if applicable clearance to land or alternative instructions can be issued to aircraft in a timely manner.

In order to meet wake turbulence criteria what minimum separation should be applied when a medium aircraft taking off behind a heavy aircraft and both are using same runway The air traffic controller will provide separation to other controlled traffic. Doc4444 pans atm 5 8 3 departing aircraft 5 8 3 1 a minimum separation of 2 minutes shall be applied between a light or medium aircraft taking off behind a heavy aircraft or a light aircraft taking off behind a medium aircraft when aircraft are using a) the same runway b) parallel runways separated less than 760 m (2 500 ft) c) crossing runways if projected flight path of second aircraft will cross projected flight path of first aircraft at same altitude or less than 300 m (1 000 ft) below d) parallel runways separated 760 m (2 500 ft) or more if projected flight path of second aircraft will cross projected flight path of first aircraft at same altitude or less than 300 m (1 000 ft) below two minute separation following aircraft two minute wake turbulence separation crossing aircraft 5 8 3 2 a separation minimum of 3 minutes shall be applied between a light or medium aircraft when taking off behind a heavy aircraft or a light aircraft when taking off behind a medium aircraft from a) an intermediate part of same runway or b) an intermediate part of a parallel runway separated less than 760 m (2 500 ft).

In order to meet wake turbulence criteria arriving aircraft and using timed approaches what minima shall be applied to aircraft landing behind a heavy or a medium aircraft Medium aircraft behind heavy aircraft 2 minutes. Doc4444 5 8 time based wake turbulence longitudinal separation minima 5 8 2 arriving aircraft 5 8 2 1 1 the following minima shall be applied to aircraft landing behind a heavy or a medium aircraft a) medium aircraft behind heavy aircraft 2 minutes b) light aircraft behind a heavy or medium aircraft 3 minutes.

Longitudinal separation minima based on time the minimmum longitudinal separation between two aircraft flying on same track preceeding one maintaining a true airspeed of 37 km 20 kt faster than succeeding aircraft departed from same aerodrome or having reported exactly over same significant point Medium aircraft behind heavy aircraft 2 minutes. Doc4444 pans atm longitudinal separation minima based on time aircraft flying on same track a) 15 minutes or b) 10 minutes if navigation aids permit frequent determination of position speed or c) 5 minutes in following cases provided that in each case preceding aircraft maintaining a true airspeed of 37 km/h (20 kt) or more faster than succeeding aircraft (see figure below) 1) between aircraft that have departed from same aerodrome 2) between en route aircraft that have reported over same exact significant point 3) between departing en route aircraft after en route aircraft has reported over a fix that so located in relation to departure point as to ensure that five minute separation can be established at point departing aircraft will join air route or d) 3 minutes in cases listed under c) provided that in each case preceding aircraft maintaining a true airspeed of 74 km/h (40 kt) or more faster than succeeding aircraft five minute separation between aircraft on same track same level.

Longitudinal separation minima mach number technique based on rnav distance when mach number separation technique mnt being applied and preceding aircraft maintains a mach number equal to or greater than following aircraft an rnav distance based separation minimum may be used on same direction tracks in lieu of 10 minutes longitudinal separation minimum the distance Medium aircraft behind heavy aircraft 2 minutes. Doc4444 pans atm longitudinal separation minima with mach number technique based on distance using rnav 5 4 2 5 5 a 150 km (80 nm) rnav distance based separation minimum with mach number technique may be used on same direction tracks in lieu of a 10 minute longitudinal separation minimum with mach number technique provided a) each aircraft reports its distance to or from same « on track » common point b) separation between aircraft at same level checked obtaining simultaneous rnav distance readings from aircraft at frequent intervals to ensure that minimum will not be infringed (see figure below) c) separation between aircraft climbing or descending established obtaining simultaneous rnav distance readings from aircraft and d) in case of aircraft climbing or descending one aircraft maintains a level while vertical separation does not exist 150 km (80 nm) rnav based separation between aircraft at same level.

Longitudinal separationlongitudinal separation minima based on distance using dme aircraft at same cruising level and track provided that each aircraft utilises 'on track' dme stations and separation checked obtaining simultaneous dme readings Medium aircraft behind heavy aircraft 2 minutes. Doc4444 pans atm 5 4 2 3 3 aircraft at the same cruising level 5 4 2 3 3 1 aircraft on same track a) 37 km (20 nm) provided 1) each aircraft utilizes i) same 'on track' dme station when both aircraft are utilizing dme or ii) an 'on track' dme station a collocated waypoint when one aircraft utilizing dme the other utilizing gnss or iii) same waypoint when both aircraft are utilizing gnss and 2) separation checked obtaining simultaneous dme and/or gnss readings from aircraft at frequent intervals to ensure that minimum will not be infringed 37 km (20 nm) dme and/or gnss based separation between aircraft on same track same level important notice if leading aircraft maintains a true airspeed of 37 km/h (20 kt) or more faster than succeeding aircraft longitudinal separation reduced to 10 nm (19 km).

Longitudinal separation the longitudinal separation minimum based on time between aircraft at same cruising level where navigation aids permit frequent determination of position and speed and preceding aircraft maintaining a true airspeed of 40 kt faster or more than succeeding aircraft Medium aircraft behind heavy aircraft 2 minutes. Doc4444 pans atm longitudinal separation minima based on time aircraft flying on same track a) 15 minutes or b) 10 minutes if navigation aids permit frequent determination of position speed or c) 5 minutes in following cases provided that in each case preceding aircraft maintaining a true airspeed of 37 km/h (20 kt) or more faster than succeeding aircraft 1) between aircraft that have departed from same aerodrome 2) between en route aircraft that have reported over same exact significant point 3) between departing en route aircraft after en route aircraft has reported over a fix that so located in relation to departure point as to ensure that five minute separation can be established at point departing aircraft will join air route or d) 3 minutes in cases listed under c) provided that in each case preceding aircraft maintaining a true airspeed of 74 km/h (40 kt) or more faster than succeeding aircraft (see figure below) three minute separation between aircraft on same track same level.

Longitudinal separation the longitudinal separation minimum based on time between aircraft at same cruising level where navigation aids permit frequent determination of position and speed Medium aircraft behind heavy aircraft 2 minutes. Doc4444 pans atm longitudinal separation minima based on time aircraft flying on same track a) 15 minutes or b) 10 minutes if navigation aids permit frequent determination of position speed (see figure below) or c) 5 minutes in following cases provided that in each case preceding aircraft maintaining a true airspeed of 37 km/h (20 kt) or more faster than succeeding aircraft 1) between aircraft that have departed from same aerodrome 2) between en route aircraft that have reported over same exact significant point 3) between departing en route aircraft after en route aircraft has reported over a fix that so located in relation to departure point as to ensure that five minute separation can be established at point departing aircraft will join air route or d) 3 minutes in cases listed under c) provided that in each case preceding aircraft maintaining a true airspeed of 74 km/h (40 kt) or more faster than succeeding aircraft ten minute separation between aircraft on same track same level.

Lower limit of controlled airspacethe lower limit of a control area / cta shall be established not less than Medium aircraft behind heavy aircraft 2 minutes. A control area (cta) a volume of controlled airspace that exists in vicinity of an airport it has a specified lower level a specified upper level a cta a box of airspace that does not touch surface of earth annex 11 air traffic services specified a lower limit at a height above ground or water of not less than 200 m (700 ft).

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