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The speed limitation for VFR flights inside ATS airspace classified as C when flying below 3 050 m 10 000 ft AMSL is ? Intake > airport

exemple question 124

The surveillance radar approach shall be terminated at a distance of 2 NM from the touchdown except when as determined by the appropriate ATS authority the accuracy of the radar equipment permits it ?

exemple question 125
The surveillance radar approach shall be terminated at a distance of 2 nm from touchdown except when as determined the appropriate ats authority accuracy of radar equipment permits it to be continued to a prescribed point less than 2 nm from touchdown in this case distance and level information shall be given at each Approach surveillance radar (sra) an aviation term a type of radar instrument approach provided with active assistance from air traffic control the only airborne radio equipment required radar approaches a functioning radio transmitter receiver the radar controller vectors aircraft to align it with runway centerline the controller continues vectors to keep aircraft on course until pilot can complete approach landing visual reference to surface icao annex 4444 (air traffic management (pans atm)) chapter 8 ats surveillance services 8 9 7 final approach procedures 8 9 7 1 surveillance radar approach 8 9 7 1 4 when as determined the appropriate ats authority accuracy of radar equipment permits surveillance radar approaches may be continued to threshold of runway or to a prescribed point less than 4 km (2 nm) from touchdown in which case a) distance level information shall be given at each km (each half nm) b) transmission should not be interrupted intervals of more than five seconds while aircraft within a distance of 8 km (4 nm) from touchdown c) controller should not be responsible any duties other than those directly connected with a particular approach.

The transfer of an aircraft from one ATC unit to another unit is done ?

exemple question 127
The transfer of an aircraft from one atc unit to another unit done By agreement with receiving unit. Approach surveillance radar (sra) an aviation term a type of radar instrument approach provided with active assistance from air traffic control the only airborne radio equipment required radar approaches a functioning radio transmitter receiver the radar controller vectors aircraft to align it with runway centerline the controller continues vectors to keep aircraft on course until pilot can complete approach landing visual reference to surface icao annex 4444 (air traffic management (pans atm)) chapter 8 ats surveillance services 8 9 7 final approach procedures 8 9 7 1 surveillance radar approach 8 9 7 1 4 when as determined the appropriate ats authority accuracy of radar equipment permits surveillance radar approaches may be continued to threshold of runway or to a prescribed point less than 4 km (2 nm) from touchdown in which case a) distance level information shall be given at each km (each half nm) b) transmission should not be interrupted intervals of more than five seconds while aircraft within a distance of 8 km (4 nm) from touchdown c) controller should not be responsible any duties other than those directly connected with a particular approach.

exemple question 128
The units providing air traffic services are Area control centre flight information centre approach control office aerodrome control tower air traffic services reporting office. Approach surveillance radar (sra) an aviation term a type of radar instrument approach provided with active assistance from air traffic control the only airborne radio equipment required radar approaches a functioning radio transmitter receiver the radar controller vectors aircraft to align it with runway centerline the controller continues vectors to keep aircraft on course until pilot can complete approach landing visual reference to surface icao annex 4444 (air traffic management (pans atm)) chapter 8 ats surveillance services 8 9 7 final approach procedures 8 9 7 1 surveillance radar approach 8 9 7 1 4 when as determined the appropriate ats authority accuracy of radar equipment permits surveillance radar approaches may be continued to threshold of runway or to a prescribed point less than 4 km (2 nm) from touchdown in which case a) distance level information shall be given at each km (each half nm) b) transmission should not be interrupted intervals of more than five seconds while aircraft within a distance of 8 km (4 nm) from touchdown c) controller should not be responsible any duties other than those directly connected with a particular approach.

exemple question 129
The vmc minima an airspace classified as 'b' above 10 000 feet msl are 5 m horizontally ft vertically from clouds 8 km visibility. sera 5001 vmc visibility distance from cloud minima * when height of transition altitude lower than 3050 m (10000 ft) amsl fl 100 shall be used in lieu of 10000 ft ** when so prescribed the appropriate ats authority a) flight visibilities reduced to not less than 1 500 m may be permitted flights operating (1) at speeds of 140 kts ias or less to give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic or any obstacles in time to avoid collision or (2) in circumstances in which probability of encounters with other traffic would normally be low e g in areas of low volume traffic for aerial work at low levels (b) helicopters may be permitted to operate in less than 1 500 m but not less than 800 m flight visibility if manoeuvred at a speed that will give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic or any obstacles in time to avoid collision flight visibilities lower than 800 m may be permitted special cases such as medical flights search rescue operations fire fighting *** the vmc minima in class a airspace are included guidance to pilots do not imply acceptance of vfr flights in class a airspace.

exemple question 130
Visual flight rulesthe vmc minima an airspace classified as 'g' above 10 000 feet msl are 5 m horizontally feet vertically from clouds 8 km visibility. sera 5001 vmc visibility distance from cloud minima * when height of transition altitude lower than 3050 m (10000 ft) amsl fl 100 shall be used in lieu of 10000 ft ** when so prescribed the appropriate ats authority a) flight visibilities reduced to not less than 1 500 m may be permitted flights operating (1) at speeds of 140 kts ias or less to give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic or any obstacles in time to avoid collision or (2) in circumstances in which probability of encounters with other traffic would normally be low e g in areas of low volume traffic for aerial work at low levels (b) helicopters may be permitted to operate in less than 1 500 m but not less than 800 m flight visibility if manoeuvred at a speed that will give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic or any obstacles in time to avoid collision flight visibilities lower than 800 m may be permitted special cases such as medical flights search rescue operations fire fighting *** the vmc minima in class a airspace are included guidance to pilots do not imply acceptance of vfr flights in class a airspace.

exemple question 131
During a flight below transition altitude an aircraft's altimeter should be set to Qnh the vertical position expressed in terms of altitude. sera 5001 vmc visibility distance from cloud minima * when height of transition altitude lower than 3050 m (10000 ft) amsl fl 100 shall be used in lieu of 10000 ft ** when so prescribed the appropriate ats authority a) flight visibilities reduced to not less than 1 500 m may be permitted flights operating (1) at speeds of 140 kts ias or less to give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic or any obstacles in time to avoid collision or (2) in circumstances in which probability of encounters with other traffic would normally be low e g in areas of low volume traffic for aerial work at low levels (b) helicopters may be permitted to operate in less than 1 500 m but not less than 800 m flight visibility if manoeuvred at a speed that will give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic or any obstacles in time to avoid collision flight visibilities lower than 800 m may be permitted special cases such as medical flights search rescue operations fire fighting *** the vmc minima in class a airspace are included guidance to pilots do not imply acceptance of vfr flights in class a airspace.

To perform a vfr flight in airspace classification e Two way radio communication not required. Annex 11 air traffic services (official table) .

Right of way convergingtwo aircraft are approaching each other in a controlled airspace class d in vmc at approximately same level on converging courses aircraft 'a' flying under ifr aircraft 'b' flying under vfr who has right of way Aircraft 'b' providing it has 'a' on its left. When two aircraft are converging on approximately same heading aircraft which has other on its right must give way .

Two minutes separation may be used between departing aircraft if they are to fly on same track when The preceeding aircraft 4 kt or more faster than following aircraft. icao doc 4444 5 6 minimum separation between departing aircraft 5 6 2 two minutes are required between take offs when the preceding aircraft 74 km/h (40 kt) or more faster than following aircraft both aircraft will follow same track .

Unless otherwise prescribed the appropriate ats authority radar controller should notify non radar controller when an aircraft making a radar approach approximately The preceeding aircraft 4 kt or more faster than following aircraft. icao doc 4444 8 9 6 radar approaches 8 9 6 1 6 unless otherwise prescribed the appropriate ats authority controller conducting approach should notify aerodrome controller or when applicable procedural controller when an aircraft making a radar approach approximately 15 km (8 nm) from touchdown if landing clearance not received at this time a subsequent notification should be made at approximately 8 km (4 nm) from touchdown landing clearance requested.

Minimum level ifr unless otherwise prescribed what the rule regarding level to be maintained an aircraft flying ifr outside controlled airspace ft above highest obstacle within 8 km of estimated position of aircraft. 1000 ft 8 km when not flying over high terrain or mountainous areas 2000 ft 8 km over high terrain or mountainous areas.

Use of radar in approach service vectoring to final approach track when an aircraft vectored radar to localizer course angle between interception course and localizer course normally 30 degrees in accordance with doc 4444 this angle shall not be greater than ft above highest obstacle within 8 km of estimated position of aircraft. icao doc 4444 'procedures air navigation services air traffic management' 8 9 3 6 aircraft vectored final approach should be given a heading or a series of headings calculated to close with final approach track the final vector shall enable aircraft to be established in level flight on final approach track prior to intercepting specified or nominal glide path if an mls ils or radar approach to be made should provide an intercept angle with final approach track of 45 degrees or less.

Vmc minima vfr flights in class b airspace above 3050m 10000 ft amsl are 8 km visibility 5 m horizontal ft vertical distance from clouds. Annex 2 rules of the air (official table) /com_en/com010 454.

Wake turbulence separation between departing aircraft the minimum separation to be applied between a light or medium aircraft taking of behind a heavy aircraft or a light aircraft taking off behind a medium aircraft using same runway 8 km visibility 5 m horizontal ft vertical distance from clouds. Doc4444 pans atm 5 8 3 departing aircraft 5 8 3 1 a minimum separation of 2 minutes shall be applied between a light or medium aircraft taking off behind a heavy aircraft or a light aircraft taking off behind a medium aircraft when aircraft are using a) same runway b) parallel runways separated less than 760 m (2 500 ft) c) crossing runways if projected flight path of second aircraft will cross projected flight path of first aircraft at same altitude or less than 300 m (1 000 ft) below d) parallel runways separated 760 m (2 500 ft) or more if projected flight path of second aircraft will cross projected flight path of first aircraft at same altitude or less than 300 m (1 000 ft) below two minute separation following aircraft two minute wake turbulence separation crossing aircraft.

What meant when departure control instruct you to 'resume own navigation' after you have been vectored to an airway You should maintain that airway use of your navigation equipment. Doc4444 pans atm 5 8 3 departing aircraft 5 8 3 1 a minimum separation of 2 minutes shall be applied between a light or medium aircraft taking off behind a heavy aircraft or a light aircraft taking off behind a medium aircraft when aircraft are using a) same runway b) parallel runways separated less than 760 m (2 500 ft) c) crossing runways if projected flight path of second aircraft will cross projected flight path of first aircraft at same altitude or less than 300 m (1 000 ft) below d) parallel runways separated 760 m (2 500 ft) or more if projected flight path of second aircraft will cross projected flight path of first aircraft at same altitude or less than 300 m (1 000 ft) below two minute separation following aircraft two minute wake turbulence separation crossing aircraft.

What the minimum wake turbulence separation criteria when a light aircraft taking off behind a medium aircraft and both are using same runway You should maintain that airway use of your navigation equipment. Doc4444 pans atm 5 8 3 departing aircraft 5 8 3 1 a minimum separation of 2 minutes shall be applied between a light or medium aircraft taking off behind a heavy aircraft or a light aircraft taking off behind a medium aircraft when aircraft are using a) the same runway b) parallel runways separated less than 760 m (2 500 ft) c) crossing runways if projected flight path of second aircraft will cross projected flight path of first aircraft at same altitude or less than 300 m (1 000 ft) below d) parallel runways separated 760 m (2 500 ft) or more if projected flight path of second aircraft will cross projected flight path of first aircraft at same altitude or less than 300 m (1 000 ft) below two minute separation following aircraft two minute wake turbulence separation crossing aircraft 5 8 3 2 a separation minimum of 3 minutes shall be applied between a light or medium aircraft when taking off behind a heavy aircraft or a light aircraft when taking off behind a medium aircraft from a) an intermediate part of same runway or b) an intermediate part of a parallel runway separated less than 760 m (2 500 ft).

What the shortest distance in a sequence landing between a 'heavy' aircraft preceding a 'light' aircraft You should maintain that airway use of your navigation equipment. icao minimum radar separation distance.

What the speed limit ias in airspace class e 25 kt ifr vfr up to fl . icao minimum radar separation distance.

When a radar operator says following to an aircraft 'fly heading 030' pilot must fly heading 25 kt ifr vfr up to fl . icao minimum radar separation distance.

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