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The purpose of the NTZ is to ? Certificate > steering

exemple question 127
Protect aircraft that are carrying out independent parallel approaches. Pans atm doc 4444 definitions no transgression zone (ntz) a corridor of airspace of defined dimensions located centrally between two extended runway centre lines where a penetration an aircraft requires intervention of a monitoring radar controller to manoeuvre any threatened aircraft on adjacent approach pans atm doc 4444 6 7 3 2 requirements and procedures for independent parallel approaches 6 7 3 2 1 independent parallel approaches may be conducted to parallel runways provided that g) a no transgression zone (ntz) at least 610 m (2 000 ft) wide established equidistant between extended runway centre lines is depicted on situation display .

When datalink communication are used accuracy of clock should be ?

exemple question 128
When datalink communication are used accuracy of clock should be Protect aircraft that are carrying out independent parallel approaches. Annex 11 air traffic services 2 26 time in air traffic services 2 26 3 air traffic services unit clocks other time recording devices shall be checked as necessary to ensure correct time to within plus or minus 30 seconds of utc wherever data link communications are utilized an air traffic services unit clocks other time recording devices shall be checked as necessary to ensure correct time to within 1 second of utc.

When in air space where VFR is permitted the pilot in command of an IFR flight wishes to continue his flight in accordance with visual flight rules until the destination is reached 1 He must informs ?

exemple question 129
When in air space where vfr permitted pilot in command of an ifr flight wishes to continue his flight in accordance with visual flight rules until destination reached 1 he must informs control unit 'cancel ifr' 2 he must request and obtain clearance 3 he may request his ifr flight plan to be changed to a vfr flight plan 4 the flight plan automatically becomes a vfr flight plan the correct combination of statements Protect aircraft that are carrying out independent parallel approaches. Doc 4444 icao 4 5 traffic control clearances 4 8 change from ifr to vfr flight 4 8 1 change from instrument flight rules (ifr) flight to visual flight rules (vfr) flight only acceptable when a initiated the pilot in command containing specific expression 'cancelling my ifr flight' together with changes if any to be made to current flight plan received an air traffic services unit no invitation to change from ifr flight to vfr flight to be made either directly or inference 4 8 2 no reply other than acknowledgment 'ifr flight cancelled at (time)' should normally be made an air traffic services unit 4 8 3 when an ats unit in possession of information that instrument meteorological conditions are likely to be encountered along route of flight a pilot changing from ifr flight to vfr flight should if practicable be so advised.

exemple question 130
An ats route designator Has a maximum of six characters. Ecqb04 october 2017 icao annex 11 air traffic services 2 composition of designator 2 1 the ats route designator shall consist of a basic designator supplemented if necessary by a) one prefix as prescribed in 2 3 and b) one additional letter as prescribed in 2 4 2 1 1 the number of characters required to compose designator shall not exceed six characters.

exemple question 131
Define term 'psr' Primary surveillance radar. Ecqb04 october 2017 secondary surveillance radar (ssr) a surveillance radar system which uses transmitters/receivers (interrogators) transponders primary surveillance radar (psr) a surveillance radar system which uses reflected radio signals.

exemple question 132
'traffic to which provision of atc applicable but which in relation to a particular controlled flight not separated therefrom the minima set forth' called Primary surveillance radar. Ecqb04 october 2017 pans atm doc4444 5 10 essential traffic information5 10 1 general 5 10 1 1 essential traffic that controlled traffic to which provision of separation atc applicable but which in relation to a particular controlled flight not or will not be separated from other controlled traffic the appropriate separation minimum 5 10 1 2 essential traffic information shall be given to controlled flights concerned whenever they constitute essential traffic to each other.

exemple question 133
In class f airspace advisory service may be provided to Primary surveillance radar. Ecqb04 november 2017 annex 11 air traffic services (official table) .

Transition altitude 3000ft qnh 990 hpa calculate transition level Primary surveillance radar. Ecqb04 november 2017 first calculate difference between 990 1013 = 23 hpa 23 x 27 ft/hpa= 621 ft at transition layer we need to round to highest 1000ft 3000 + 621 = 3621 ft closest level (rounding 1000ft) fl40.

Clearance limit a point To which a specific clearance valid. Ecqb04 november 2017.

A special air report shall be made When experiencing severe icing or severe turbulence. Ecqb04 november 2017.

A checklist of aip supplements currently in force shall be issued at intervals of Not more than one month. Annex 15 aeronautical information service (ais) 4 4 specifications aip suppléments 4 4 6 a checklist of valid aip supplements shall be issued at intervals of not more than one month this information shall be issued through medium of monthly printed plain language list of valid notam required 5 2 13 3.

A checklist of notam currently in force shall be issued at aftn at intervals of Not more than one month. Annex 15 aeronautical information service (ais) 4 4 specifications aip suppléments 4 4 6 a checklist of valid aip supplements shall be issued at intervals of not more than one month this information shall be issued through medium of monthly printed plain language list of valid notam required 5 2 13 3.

A notice containing information concerning flight safety air navigation technical istration or legislative matters and originated at ais of a state called Aeronautical information circular (aic). Icao annex 15 aeronautical information services chapter 7 an aeronautical information circular (aic) a notice containing information that does not qualify the origination of a notam or inclusion in aip but which relates to flight safety air navigation technical istrative or legislative matters.

A notice providing information on rules of air air traffic services and air navigation procedures and distributed in advance of its effective date Aeronautical information circular (aic). Icao annex 15 aeronautical information services chapter 7 an aeronautical information circular (aic) a notice containing information that does not qualify the origination of a notam or inclusion in aip but which relates to flight safety air navigation technical istrative or legislative matters.

Aeronautical information service name accronym signifying system aimed at advance notification based on common effective dates of circumstances that necessitate significant changes in operating practices Aeronautical information circular (aic). Icao annex 15 aeronautical information services chapter 7 an aeronautical information circular (aic) a notice containing information that does not qualify the origination of a notam or inclusion in aip but which relates to flight safety air navigation technical istrative or legislative matters.

Aip supplements temporary changes of 'long duration' and information of 'short duration' with extensive text and/or graphics are published as aip supplements the period of 'long duration' Three months or longer. Aip supplement (sup) a temporary amendment containing temporary changes of long duration (three months longer) or information of short duration which consists of extensive text and/or graphics supplementing permanent information contained in aip operationally significant temporary changes to aip are published in accordance with airac system its established effective dates are identified the acronym airac (airac aip sup).

Aip which part contains a brief description of areas and/or routes which meteorological service provided Three months or longer. The structure contents of aips are standardized international agreement through icao aips normally have three parts gen (general) enr (en route) ad (aerodromes) examples of classification gen areas or routes which meteorological service provided service(s) responsible search rescue aerodrome/heliports air navigation services list of 'location indicator sigmet information enr information relating to existing prohibited restricted danger areas information on holding approach departure procedures ad information about refuelling facilities the fuel grades available.

Aip which part of aip contains a brief description of service s responsible search and rescue Three months or longer. The structure contents of aips are standardized international agreement through icao aips normally have three parts gen (general) enr (en route) ad (aerodromes) examples of classification gen areas or routes which meteorological service provided service(s) responsible search rescue aerodrome/heliports air navigation services list of 'location indicator sigmet information enr information relating to existing prohibited restricted danger areas information on holding approach departure procedures ad information about refuelling facilities the fuel grades available.

Aip which part of aip contains a list with 'location indicator Three months or longer. The structure contents of aips are standardized international agreement through icao aips normally have three parts gen (general) enr (en route) ad (aerodromes) examples of classification gen areas or routes which meteorological service provided service(s) responsible search rescue aerodrome/heliports air navigation services list of 'location indicator sigmet information enr information relating to existing prohibited restricted danger areas information on holding approach departure procedures ad information about refuelling facilities the fuel grades available.

Aip which part of aip contains information relating to existing prohibited restricted and danger areas Three months or longer. The structure contents of aips are standardized international agreement through icao aips normally have three parts gen (general) enr (en route) ad (aerodromes) examples of classification gen areas or routes which meteorological service provided service(s) responsible search rescue aerodrome/heliports air navigation services list of 'location indicator sigmet information enr information relating to existing prohibited restricted danger areas information on holding approach departure procedures ad information about refuelling facilities the fuel grades available.

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