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ICAO Annex 14 Visual aids for navigation Lights Runway edge lights shall consist of at least ? Aptitude > Licence

exemple question 130
Fixed lights showing variable white. runway edge lights shall be fixed lights showing variable white red displaced threshold yellow the final third of runway lenght.

The goal of a transverse strip a white line across the width of the runway is to mark ?

exemple question 131
The goal of a transverse strip a white line across width of runway to mark A displaced runway threshold. Where a runway threshold displaced from extremity of a runway permanently or temporarily a transverse strip should be added to threshold marking .

In a precision approach category I lighting system the centre line and crossbar lights shall be ?

exemple question 132
In a precision approach category i lighting system centre line and crossbar lights shall be Fixed lights showing variable white. Icao annex 14 aerodromes volume 1 precision approach category i lighting system 5 3 4 14 characteristics the centre line crossbar lights of a precision approach category i lighting system shall be fixed lights showing variable white each centre line light position shall consist of either a) a single light source in innermost 300 m of centre line two light sources in central 300 m of centre lineand three light sources in outer 300 m of centre line to provide distance information or b) a barrette .

exemple question 133
In a precision approach category i lighting system single two and three light sources on centre line have a length of Fixed lights showing variable white. the single two three light sources on centre line have a length of 300 m.

exemple question 134
In 'aerodrome reference code' code element 2 shall identify The aircraft wing span. icao annex 14 1 6 1 an aerodrome reference code code number letter which selected aerodrome planning purposes shall be determined in accordance with characteristics of aeroplane which an aerodrome facility intended 1 6 2 the aerodrome reference code numbers letters shall have meanings assigned to them in table 1 1 1 6 3 the code number element 1 shall be determined from table 1 1 selecting code number corresponding to highest value of aeroplane reference field lengths of aeroplanes which runway intended 1 6 4 the code letter element 2 shall be determined from table 1 1 selecting code letter which corresponds to greatest wingspan of aeroplanes which facility intended .

exemple question 135
In 'papi' system pilot during an approach will see two units nearest runway as red and two units farthest from runway as white when On or close to approach slope. precision approach path indicator (papi) consists of four sets of lights in a line perpendicular to runway usually mounted to left side of runway these have a similar purpose to basic visual approach slope indicators but additional lights serve to show pilot how far off glide slope aircraft is when lights show white white red red aircraft on correct glide slope landing usually 3 0° three red lights (white red red red) indicate that aircraft slightly below glide slope (2 8°) while four red lights (red red red red) indicate that aircraft significantly below glide slope (3 5°) most large airports utilize this system although most airports use a papi based on a 3 0° glide slope some airports may use a glide slope as great as 5 0° in order to have proper obstruction clearance .

exemple question 136
Light signals aerodrome traffic a series of red flashes from aerodrome control directed towards an aircraft in flight means Aerodrome unsafe do not land. icao annex 2 light signals towards an aircraft in flight light signals towards an aircraft on ground .

Light signals aerodrome traffic a series of red flashes from aerodrome control directed towards an aircraft on ground means Taxi clear of landing area in use. icao annex 2 light signals towards an aircraft in flight light signals towards an aircraft on ground .

Light signals a red flare addressed to an aircraft in flight means Notwithstanding any previous instructions do not land the time being. icao annex 2 light signals towards an aircraft in flight light signals towards an aircraft on ground .

Taxiway edge lights shall be Notwithstanding any previous instructions do not land the time being. icao annex 2 light signals towards an aircraft in flight light signals towards an aircraft on ground .

Visual aids denoting obstacleslow intensity obstacle lights on fixed objects shall be Notwithstanding any previous instructions do not land the time being. Icao annex 14 aerodromes volume 1 chapter 6 visual aids for denoting obstacles table 6 1 characteristics of obstacle lights.

Low intensity obstacle lights on mobile objects shall be Flashing red or preferably yellow. Icao annex 14 aerodromes volume 1 chapter 6 visual aids for denoting obstacles low intensity obstacle lights on mobile objects shall be flashing lights either red or preferably yellow the flash frequency shall be between 60 90 per minute the effective intensity of flash shall not be less than 40 candelas of red or yellow light table 6 1 characteristics of obstacle lights.

Mandatory instruction signsinformation signs other than location signs shall consist of Black inscriptions on yellow background. icao airport services manual (doc 9137) annex 14 5 4 3 3 information signs shall include direction signs location signs destination signs runway exit signs runway vacated signs intersection take off signs 5 4 3 26 an information sign other than a location sign shall consist of an inscription in black on a yellow background examples .

Runway threshold identification lights are Flashing white lights. Green threshold wing bars are provided at certain aerodromes where there a need to accentuate threshold threshold lights are green mark threshold of runway (indicates start of available landing distance) but threshold identification lights are flashing white they are placed next to threshold area but off runway where extra conspicuity required simultaneous flashes help pilot identify runway in use.

Runway lead in lighting should consist Of group of at least three white lights flashing in sequence towards runway. Icao annex 14 5 3 7 runway lead in lighting systems application a runway lead in lighting system should be provided where it desired to provide visual guidance along a specific approach path reasons such as avoiding hazardous terrain or purposes of noise abatement location a runway lead in lighting system should consist of groups of lights positioned so as to define desired approach path so that one group may be sighted from preceding group the interval between adjacent groups should not exceed approximately 1600 m runway lead in lighting system should extend from a point as determined the appropriate authority up to a point where approach lighting system if provided or runway or runway lighting system in view characteristics each group of lights of a runway lead in lighting system should consist of at least three flashing lights in a linear or cluster configuration the system may be augmented steady burning lights where such lights would assist in identifying system the flashing lights should be white the steady burning lights gaseous discharge lights where practicable flashing lights in each group should flash in sequence towards runway.

Signal from a signalman to an aircraft a signalman requests pilot to engage brakes with following signal Raise arm hand with fingers extended horizontally in front of body then clench fist. Icao annex 14 5 3 7 runway lead in lighting systems application a runway lead in lighting system should be provided where it desired to provide visual guidance along a specific approach path reasons such as avoiding hazardous terrain or purposes of noise abatement location a runway lead in lighting system should consist of groups of lights positioned so as to define desired approach path so that one group may be sighted from preceding group the interval between adjacent groups should not exceed approximately 1600 m runway lead in lighting system should extend from a point as determined the appropriate authority up to a point where approach lighting system if provided or runway or runway lighting system in view characteristics each group of lights of a runway lead in lighting system should consist of at least three flashing lights in a linear or cluster configuration the system may be augmented steady burning lights where such lights would assist in identifying system the flashing lights should be white the steady burning lights gaseous discharge lights where practicable flashing lights in each group should flash in sequence towards runway.

Taxiway centre line lights other than an exit taxiway shall be Fixed lights showing green. Icao annex 14 5 3 7 runway lead in lighting systems application a runway lead in lighting system should be provided where it desired to provide visual guidance along a specific approach path reasons such as avoiding hazardous terrain or purposes of noise abatement location a runway lead in lighting system should consist of groups of lights positioned so as to define desired approach path so that one group may be sighted from preceding group the interval between adjacent groups should not exceed approximately 1600 m runway lead in lighting system should extend from a point as determined the appropriate authority up to a point where approach lighting system if provided or runway or runway lighting system in view characteristics each group of lights of a runway lead in lighting system should consist of at least three flashing lights in a linear or cluster configuration the system may be augmented steady burning lights where such lights would assist in identifying system the flashing lights should be white the steady burning lights gaseous discharge lights where practicable flashing lights in each group should flash in sequence towards runway.

Taxiway edge lights shall be Fixed lights showing green. Icao annex 14 5 3 7 runway lead in lighting systems application a runway lead in lighting system should be provided where it desired to provide visual guidance along a specific approach path reasons such as avoiding hazardous terrain or purposes of noise abatement location a runway lead in lighting system should consist of groups of lights positioned so as to define desired approach path so that one group may be sighted from preceding group the interval between adjacent groups should not exceed approximately 1600 m runway lead in lighting system should extend from a point as determined the appropriate authority up to a point where approach lighting system if provided or runway or runway lighting system in view characteristics each group of lights of a runway lead in lighting system should consist of at least three flashing lights in a linear or cluster configuration the system may be augmented steady burning lights where such lights would assist in identifying system the flashing lights should be white the steady burning lights gaseous discharge lights where practicable flashing lights in each group should flash in sequence towards runway.

Abbreviations the abbreviation papi stands Precision approach path indicator. precision approach path indicator (papi) consists of four sets of lights in a line perpendicular to runway usually mounted to left side of runway these have a similar purpose to basic visual approach slope indicators but additional lights serve to show pilot how far off glide slope aircraft is when lights show white white red red aircraft on correct glide slope landing usually 3 0° three red lights (white red red red) indicate that aircraft slightly below glide slope (2 8°) while four red lights (red red red red) indicate that aircraft significantly below glide slope (3 5°) most large airports utilize this system although most airports use a papi based on a 3 0° glide slope some airports may use a glide slope as great as 5 0° in order to have proper obstruction clearance .

The aerodrome category rescue and fire fighting based on The over all length of longest aeroplane normally using aerodrome its maximum fuselage width. icao annex 14 aerodromes 9 2 5 the aerodrome category shall be determined from table 9 1 shall be based on longest aeroplanes normally using aerodrome their fuselage width .

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