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To avoid the risk of tyre burst from overheating there is ? Course > pilot

exemple question 145
A thermal plug that deflates tyre at a specific temperature.

Which of these statements about an anti skid system are correct or incorrect 1 In case of failure of an anti skid system the auto brake system takes over the regulation of the slip ratio2 Careful ?

exemple question 146
Which of these statements about an anti skid system are correct or incorrect 1 in case of failure of an anti skid system auto brake system takes over regulation of slip ratio2 careful brake application the pilot in case of anti skid failure can never achieve same performance as a properly functioning anti skid system ) incorrect 2) correct. Ecqb03 september 2016 the 'regulation of slip ratio' function of an anti skid system ensures optimum braking performance in case of failure of anti skid system auto brake system can not take over 'regulation of slip ratio' careful brake application the pilot in case of anti skid failure can never achieve same performance as a properly functioning anti skid system the anti skid system through various mechanisms compares speed of aircraft with rotational speed of each main wheel if speed of any wheel too slow the existing aircraft speed brake on that wheel (or wheels) released momentarily to allow wheel speed to increase prevent wheel from skidding the system fully automatic is active from immediately after initial wheel spin up on landing (during which time brake activation might (or might not) be inhibited) down to a design limited minimum speed usually about 15 kt anti skid systems are designed to minimise aquaplaning the potential tyre damage which can occur when a wheel locked or rotating at a speed which does not correspond to speed of aircraft anti skid removes possibility of reverted rubber skids caused locked wheels an anti skid system also greatly improves stopping distance on substandard surfaces such as gravel or grass is particularly effective on surfaces contaminated with frozen contaminants such as ice or slush ensuring maximum effective breaking.

Which of these statements about an anti skid system are correct or incorrect 1 The 'regulation of slip ratio' function of an anti skid system ensures optimum braking performance2 Careful brake ?

exemple question 147
Which of these statements about an anti skid system are correct or incorrect 1 the 'regulation of slip ratio' function of an anti skid system ensures optimum braking performance2 careful brake application the pilot in case of anti skid failure can achieve same performance as a properly functioning anti skid system ) correct 2) incorrect. Ecqb03 september 2016 the 'regulation of slip ratio' function of an anti skid system ensures optimum braking performance in case of failure of anti skid system auto brake system can not take over 'regulation of slip ratio' careful brake application the pilot in case of anti skid failure can never achieve same performance as a properly functioning anti skid system the anti skid system through various mechanisms compares speed of aircraft with rotational speed of each main wheel if speed of any wheel too slow the existing aircraft speed brake on that wheel (or wheels) released momentarily to allow wheel speed to increase prevent wheel from skidding the system fully automatic is active from immediately after initial wheel spin up on landing (during which time brake activation might (or might not) be inhibited) down to a design limited minimum speed usually about 15 kt anti skid systems are designed to minimise aquaplaning the potential tyre damage which can occur when a wheel locked or rotating at a speed which does not correspond to speed of aircraft anti skid removes possibility of reverted rubber skids caused locked wheels an anti skid system also greatly improves stopping distance on substandard surfaces such as gravel or grass is particularly effective on surfaces contaminated with frozen contaminants such as ice or slush ensuring maximum effective breaking.

exemple question 148
On diagram landing gear element indicated the number 11 842 ) correct 2) incorrect. Ecqb03 september 2016 the 'regulation of slip ratio' function of an anti skid system ensures optimum braking performance in case of failure of anti skid system auto brake system can not take over 'regulation of slip ratio' careful brake application the pilot in case of anti skid failure can never achieve same performance as a properly functioning anti skid system the anti skid system through various mechanisms compares speed of aircraft with rotational speed of each main wheel if speed of any wheel too slow the existing aircraft speed brake on that wheel (or wheels) released momentarily to allow wheel speed to increase prevent wheel from skidding the system fully automatic is active from immediately after initial wheel spin up on landing (during which time brake activation might (or might not) be inhibited) down to a design limited minimum speed usually about 15 kt anti skid systems are designed to minimise aquaplaning the potential tyre damage which can occur when a wheel locked or rotating at a speed which does not correspond to speed of aircraft anti skid removes possibility of reverted rubber skids caused locked wheels an anti skid system also greatly improves stopping distance on substandard surfaces such as gravel or grass is particularly effective on surfaces contaminated with frozen contaminants such as ice or slush ensuring maximum effective breaking.

exemple question 149
Which statement correct concerning auto brake system When using manual braking during taxiing auto brake system remains armed. During rto or landing auto brake system automatically disconnected when using manual braking but not during taxiing 1 auto brake disarm light illuminated (amber) speed brake lever moved to down detent during rto or landing manual brakes applied during rto or landing thrust lever(s) advanced during rto or landing except during first 3 seconds after touchdown landing landing made with rto selected rto mode selected on ground illuminates one to two seconds then extinguishes a malfunction exists in automatic braking system extinguished auto brake select switch set to off autobrake armed 2 auto brake select switch off autobrake system deactivated 1 2 3 or max selects desired deceleration rate landing switch must be pulled out to select max deceleration rto automatically applies maximum brake pressure when thrust levers are retarded to idle at or above 90 knots 3 antiskid inoperative (antiskid inop) light illuminated (amber) a system fault detected antiskid monitoring system extinguished antiskid system operating normally.

exemple question 150
Which of these statements about an anti skid system are correct or incorrect 1 the 'regulation of slip ratio' function of an anti skid system ensures optimum braking performance2 careful brake application the pilot in case of anti skid failure can never achieve same performance as a properly functioning anti skid system ) correct 2) correct. The 'regulation of slip ratio' function of an anti skid system ensures optimum braking performance in case of failure of anti skid system auto brake system can not take over 'regulation of slip ratio' careful brake application the pilot in case of anti skid failure can never achieve same performance as a properly functioning anti skid system the anti skid system through various mechanisms compares speed of aircraft with rotational speed of each main wheel if speed of any wheel too slow the existing aircraft speed brake on that wheel (or wheels) released momentarily to allow wheel speed to increase prevent wheel from skidding the system fully automatic is active from immediately after initial wheel spin up on landing (during which time brake activation might (or might not) be inhibited) down to a design limited minimum speed usually about 15 kt anti skid systems are designed to minimise aquaplaning the potential tyre damage which can occur when a wheel locked or rotating at a speed which does not correspond to speed of aircraft anti skid removes possibility of reverted rubber skids caused locked wheels an anti skid system also greatly improves stopping distance on substandard surfaces such as gravel or grass is particularly effective on surfaces contaminated with frozen contaminants such as ice or slush ensuring maximum effective breaking.

exemple question 151
Which of these statements about an anti skid system are correct or incorrect 1 in case of failure of an anti skid system auto brake system takes over regulation of slip ratio2 careful brake application the pilot in case of anti skid failure can achieve same performance as a properly functioning anti skid system ) incorrect 2) incorrect. The 'regulation of slip ratio' function of an anti skid system ensures optimum braking performance in case of failure of anti skid system auto brake system can not take over 'regulation of slip ratio' careful brake application the pilot in case of anti skid failure can never achieve same performance as a properly functioning anti skid system the anti skid system through various mechanisms compares speed of aircraft with rotational speed of each main wheel if speed of any wheel too slow the existing aircraft speed brake on that wheel (or wheels) released momentarily to allow wheel speed to increase prevent wheel from skidding the system fully automatic is active from immediately after initial wheel spin up on landing (during which time brake activation might (or might not) be inhibited) down to a design limited minimum speed usually about 15 kt anti skid systems are designed to minimise aquaplaning the potential tyre damage which can occur when a wheel locked or rotating at a speed which does not correspond to speed of aircraft anti skid removes possibility of reverted rubber skids caused locked wheels an anti skid system also greatly improves stopping distance on substandard surfaces such as gravel or grass is particularly effective on surfaces contaminated with frozen contaminants such as ice or slush ensuring maximum effective breaking.

Which of these statements about an auto brake system are correct or incorrect 1 an auto brake system can function properly even when anti skid system inoperative2 in rto mode maximum anti skid braking applied ) incorrect 2) correct. Proper functioning of an auto brake system requires proper functioning of anti skid system in rto (rejected take off) mode maximum anti skid braking applied the 'regulation of slip ratio' function of an anti skid system ensures optimum braking performance using rto mode provides best stopping performance during a rejected take off (the deceleration will not be constant it will increase as speed decreases).

At take off rto mode rejected take off of an auto brake system disengages automatically When both air/ground systems indicate 'air' mode. The rto mode automatically disarmed when both air/ground systems indicate air mode.

Rotor brake discs are manufactured from Steel or carbon fibre. The rto mode automatically disarmed when both air/ground systems indicate air mode.

On diagram landing gear element indicated the number 3 fr_a_021 1056 err Steel or carbon fibre. Please download diagram of a nose landing gear used as a reference at exam  PDF 021_nose_landing_gear.

If anti skid system inoperative may auto brake system can be used Steel or carbon fibre. Ecqb04 october 2017 anti skid system protection provided during auto brake operation therefore if anti skid inoperative you can not use auto brake system.

Shimmy occurs on nose wheel landing gear during taxiing when 1 wheels tend to describe a sinusoidal motion on ground2 wheels no longer respond to pilot's actions this effect overcome means of 3 torque link 4 an accumulator associated with steering cylinder the combination of correct statements Steel or carbon fibre. shimmy of aircraft nose wheel landing gear a coupled lateral torsional dynamic instability that may occur during take off taxi landing the potential shimmy often discovered when aircraft undergoes taxi (runway) tests at this stage options available to designer are limited often to introducing a damper in steering degree of freedom >gxqnntxkyzm.

Tyre 'creep' may be described as Circumferential movement of tyre in relation to wheel flange. shimmy of aircraft nose wheel landing gear a coupled lateral torsional dynamic instability that may occur during take off taxi landing the potential shimmy often discovered when aircraft undergoes taxi (runway) tests at this stage options available to designer are limited often to introducing a damper in steering degree of freedom >gxqnntxkyzm.

A single action actuator Is powered in one direction only hydraulic power return movement being under spring force. shimmy of aircraft nose wheel landing gear a coupled lateral torsional dynamic instability that may occur during take off taxi landing the potential shimmy often discovered when aircraft undergoes taxi (runway) tests at this stage options available to designer are limited often to introducing a damper in steering degree of freedom >gxqnntxkyzm.

Axial piston pumps are often used in hydraulic systems due to Their ability to produce high pressure when required but can be off loaded to reduce power consumption. high pressure large flow are symptomatic of a hydraulic system axial piston pumps can produce high pressure but can be off loaded to reduce power consumption.

The trim tab Reduces hinge moment control surface efficiency. The trim tab reduces hinge load because it uses tab to move control surface so there no external load imposed the pilot it reduces control surface effectiveness because it using part of control area trimming leaving less manoeuvre.

The purpose of a trim tab device to Reduce or to cancel control forces. A trim tab a small adjustable hinged surface on trailing edge of aileron rudder or elevator control surfaces trim tabs are labour saving devices that enable pilot to release manual pressure on primary controls some airplanes have trim tabs on all three control surfaces that are adjustable from cockpit others have them only on elevator rudder some have them only on elevator some trim tabs are ground adjustable type only the tab moved in direction opposite that of primary control surface to relieve pressure on control wheel or rudder control for example consider situation in which we wish to adjust elevator trim level flight ('level flight' the attitude of airplane that will maintain a constant altitude ) assume that back pressure required on control wheel to maintain level flight that we wish to adjust elevator trim tab to relieve this pressure since we are holding back pressure elevator will be in 'up' position the trim tab must then be adjusted downward so that airflow striking tab will hold elevators in desired position conversely if forward pressure being held elevators will be in down position so tab must be moved upward to relieve this pressure in this example we are talking about tab itself not cockpit control rudder aileron trim tabs operate on same principle as elevator trim tab to relieve pressure on rudder pedals sideward pressure on control wheel respectively.

The advantages of fly wire control are 1 reduction of electric and hydraulic power required to operate control surfaces2 lesser sensitivity to lightning strike3 direct and indirect weight saving through simplification of systems4 immunity to different interfering signals5 improvement of piloting quality throughout flight envelopethe combination regrouping all correct statements Reduce or to cancel control forces. The power required to operate control surfaces remains same fly by wire (fbw) a system that replaces conventional manual flight controls of an aircraft with an electronic interface the movements of flight controls are converted to electronic signals transmitted wires (hence fly by wire term) flight control computers determine how to move actuators at each control surface to provide ordered response the fly by wire system also allows automatic signals sent the aircraft's computers to perform functions with or without pilot's input as in systems that automatically help stabilize aircraft.

An artificial feel unit necessary in pitch channel when The elevators are actuated irreversible servo control units. Irreversible system fully powered system pilot has no direct connection to control surface he has no feel so an artificial feel system must be included this system works in parallel to irreversible servo control unit reversible system power assisted system (similar to power assisted steering a car) pilot feel a part of load he receives assistance from hydraulic system to move control surface.

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