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With a TCAS II when a corrective resolution is generated ?

Formation > assignment

exemple reponse 166
The vertical speed must be effectively modified without delay.

At high angles of attack and according to the type of aeroplane the Stall Protection System can 1 extend the flaps to the full position2 increase thrust3 inhibit the pitch trim to the down ?

exemple reponse 167
At high angles of attack and according to type of aeroplane stall protection system can 1 extend flaps to full position2 increase thrust3 inhibit pitch trim to down directionthe combination that regroups all of correct statements The vertical speed must be effectively modified without delay. Cqb15 may 2012 only slats will extend to full position (the autoslat system designed to enhance airplane stall characteristics at high angles of attack during takeoff or approach to landing) on boeing 737 as airplane approaches stall angle slats automatically begin driving to full extended position prior to stick shaker activation the slats return to extend position when pitch angle sufficiently reduced below stall critical attitude the stall protection system can increase thrust if autothrottle armed (it will engages power will be advanced to maintain at least vmin airspeed) the trim will be inhibited to nose up.

To stop the warning generated by the overspeed warning system the pilot may 1 push the inhibit aural warning button2 switch off the overspeed warning system3 reduce the speedThe combination that ?

exemple reponse 168
To stop warning generated the overspeed warning system pilot may 1 push inhibit aural warning button2 switch off overspeed warning system3 reduce speedthe combination that regroups all of correct statements The vertical speed must be effectively modified without delay. Cqb15 may 2012 only slats will extend to full position (the autoslat system designed to enhance airplane stall characteristics at high angles of attack during takeoff or approach to landing) on boeing 737 as airplane approaches stall angle slats automatically begin driving to full extended position prior to stick shaker activation the slats return to extend position when pitch angle sufficiently reduced below stall critical attitude the stall protection system can increase thrust if autothrottle armed (it will engages power will be advanced to maintain at least vmin airspeed) the trim will be inhibited to nose up.

  • exemple reponse 169
    To warn flight crew an overspeed warning system can use 1 an aural warning2 a stick shaker connected to control column3 a vibration device connected to autothrottlethe combination that regroups all of correct statements The vertical speed must be effectively modified without delay. Cqb15 august 2012 the overspeed warning system provides an audible overspeed warning in event aircraft speed exceeds a mach or airspeed limit the overspeed warning hom activated the air data computers when position of airspeed pointer the maximum allowable pointer (barber pole) coincide the overspeed warning horn will sound under any of following conditions airspeed exceeds vmo mach exceeds mmo notice for large aeroplanes an aural warning must be associated to overspeed warning if an electronic display used.

  • exemple reponse 170
    When a tcas resolution advisory ra generated required vertical speed The vertical speed must be effectively modified without delay. Cqb15 august 2012 the overspeed warning system provides an audible overspeed warning in event aircraft speed exceeds a mach or airspeed limit the overspeed warning hom activated the air data computers when position of airspeed pointer the maximum allowable pointer (barber pole) coincide the overspeed warning horn will sound under any of following conditions airspeed exceeds vmo mach exceeds mmo notice for large aeroplanes an aural warning must be associated to overspeed warning if an electronic display used.

  • exemple reponse 171
    A tcas generates traffic advisory ta or resolution advisory ra according to The vertical speed must be effectively modified without delay. Cqb15 august 2012 the overspeed warning system provides an audible overspeed warning in event aircraft speed exceeds a mach or airspeed limit the overspeed warning hom activated the air data computers when position of airspeed pointer the maximum allowable pointer (barber pole) coincide the overspeed warning horn will sound under any of following conditions airspeed exceeds vmo mach exceeds mmo notice for large aeroplanes an aural warning must be associated to overspeed warning if an electronic display used.

  • exemple reponse 172
    For an aircraft efis equipped 1 nd displays flight director command bars 2 pfd displays altimeter setting 3 nd displays attitude of aircraft 4 flight mode annunciator part of nd the combination regrouping all correct statements The vertical speed must be effectively modified without delay. Cqb15 august 2012 the overspeed warning system provides an audible overspeed warning in event aircraft speed exceeds a mach or airspeed limit the overspeed warning hom activated the air data computers when position of airspeed pointer the maximum allowable pointer (barber pole) coincide the overspeed warning horn will sound under any of following conditions airspeed exceeds vmo mach exceeds mmo notice for large aeroplanes an aural warning must be associated to overspeed warning if an electronic display used.

  • Question 61-8

    The primary flight display pfd displays information dedicated to The vertical speed must be effectively modified without delay. Cqb15 august 2012 the overspeed warning system provides an audible overspeed warning in event aircraft speed exceeds a mach or airspeed limit the overspeed warning hom activated the air data computers when position of airspeed pointer the maximum allowable pointer (barber pole) coincide the overspeed warning horn will sound under any of following conditions airspeed exceeds vmo mach exceeds mmo notice for large aeroplanes an aural warning must be associated to overspeed warning if an electronic display used.

  • Question 61-9

    According to cs 25 section 3 concerning electronic display systems white/cyan colours are associated with following indication The vertical speed must be effectively modified without delay. for electronic display systems engaged mode selected data green armed mode fixed reference symbols current data white selected heading active route/flight plan magenta.

  • Question 61-10

    According to cs25 concerning electronic display systems colour associated with an engaged mode The vertical speed must be effectively modified without delay. for electronic display systems engaged mode selected data green armed mode fixed reference symbols current data white selected heading active route/flight plan magenta.

  • Question 61-11

    The primary flight display pfd of an efis equipped aircraft displays following parameters 1 radio height 2 ias 3 localizer and glide slope deviation pointers 4 flight director modes 5 autopilot modes the combination that regroups all of correct statements The vertical speed must be effectively modified without delay. for electronic display systems engaged mode selected data green armed mode fixed reference symbols current data white selected heading active route/flight plan magenta.

  • Question 61-12

    When two waypoints are entered on fms flight plan page a track between two fixes computed and can be displayed on navigation map display nd this leg created The vertical speed must be effectively modified without delay. Fms determines shortest track between two fixes the shortest track a great circle arc.

  • Question 61-13

    According to cs25 concerning electronic display systems green colour associated with following indication The vertical speed must be effectively modified without delay. for electronic display systems engaged mode selected data green armed mode fixed reference symbols current data white selected heading active route/flight plan magenta.

  • Question 61-14

    The primary flight display pfd of an efis equipped aircraft can display information relative to following conditions Altitude capture tcas resolution advisory autopilot flight director mode changes. .

  • Question 61-15

    According to amc 25 11 concerning electronic display systems when exceeding limits of flight envelope colour accepted to alert flight crew Altitude capture tcas resolution advisory autopilot flight director mode changes. cs 25 1322 flight crew alerting (e) visual alert indications must (1) conform to following colour convention (i) red warning alert indications (ii) amber or yellow caution alert indications (iii) any colour except red or green advisory alert indications note green usually used to indicate 'norma conditions (safe operation) therefore it not an appropriate colour an advisory alert an advisory alert used to indicate a 'non norma condition.

  • Question 61-16

    The primary flight display pfd of an efis equipped aircraft displays following parameters Ias attitude altitude heading. cs 25 1322 flight crew alerting (e) visual alert indications must (1) conform to following colour convention (i) red warning alert indications (ii) amber or yellow caution alert indications (iii) any colour except red or green advisory alert indications note green usually used to indicate 'norma conditions (safe operation) therefore it not an appropriate colour an advisory alert an advisory alert used to indicate a 'non norma condition.

  • Question 61-17

    The navigation display nd of an efis equipped aircraft can display following data Flight plan weather radar terrain map intruding traffics. flight plan the magenta line (track via tau col vor) tcas symbols (intruding traffics) are white lozenge weather radar mode terrain map.

  • Question 61-18

    An efis includes following components Symbol generator display unit(s) control panel. symbol generators provide analogue discrete digital signal interfaces between an aircraft's systems display units the control panel they also perform symbol generation monitoring power control the main control functions of 'efi overall the display units may be cathode ray tubes (crt's) or liquid crystal displays (lcs) lcs have advantage of being smaller generate less heat therefore need less cooling the pfd nd are usually identical units to facilitate spares commonality are often interchangeable with systems display units (eicas or ecam) a control panel provided each efis system.

  • Question 61-19

    According to amc 25 11 concerning electronic display systems colour associated with an armed mode Symbol generator display unit(s) control panel. symbol generators provide analogue discrete digital signal interfaces between an aircraft's systems display units the control panel they also perform symbol generation monitoring power control the main control functions of 'efi overall the display units may be cathode ray tubes (crt's) or liquid crystal displays (lcs) lcs have advantage of being smaller generate less heat therefore need less cooling the pfd nd are usually identical units to facilitate spares commonality are often interchangeable with systems display units (eicas or ecam) a control panel provided each efis system.

  • Question 61-20

    The navigation display nd modes can be 1 arc or map covering 45 degrees on either side of instantaneous track 2 rose or map centered rose with current heading up 3 plan map orientated to true north the combination that regroups all of correct statements Symbol generator display unit(s) control panel. symbol generators provide analogue discrete digital signal interfaces between an aircraft's systems display units the control panel they also perform symbol generation monitoring power control the main control functions of 'efi overall the display units may be cathode ray tubes (crt's) or liquid crystal displays (lcs) lcs have advantage of being smaller generate less heat therefore need less cooling the pfd nd are usually identical units to facilitate spares commonality are often interchangeable with systems display units (eicas or ecam) a control panel provided each efis system.

  • Question 61-21

    On navigation display nd of an efis equipped aircraft colours used are Magenta or white the active waypoint (to waypoint) green light precipitation. answer from easa cs 25 amendement 12 .

  • Question 61-22

    According to cs25 concerning electronic display systems colours used are Red flight enveloppe system limits green autopilot or flight director engaged modes. cs 25 1322 flight crew alerting (e) visual alert indications must (1) conform to following colour convention (i) red warning alert indications (ii) amber or yellow caution alert indications (iii) any colour except red or green advisory alert indications note green usually used to indicate 'norma conditions (safe operation) therefore it not an appropriate colour an advisory alert an advisory alert used to indicate a 'non norma condition.

  • Question 61-23

    According to cs25 concerning electronic display systems colour associated with a caution type alert Red flight enveloppe system limits green autopilot or flight director engaged modes. cs 25 1322 flight crew alerting (e) visual alert indications must (1) conform to following colour convention (i) red warning alert indications (ii) amber or yellow caution alert indications (iii) any colour except red or green advisory alert indications.

  • Question 61-24

    The sideslip indication diplayed on pfd primary flight display generated Red flight enveloppe system limits green autopilot or flight director engaged modes. since airplane sideslip angle the difference between airplane yaw angle the direction of velocity sideslip angle can be calculated if both attitude velocity of airplane are known inertial navigation systems (ins) could provide these values integrating gyro measurements to get attitude integrating accelerometer measurements with gravity compensation to get velocity.

  • Question 61-25

    On a electronic flight instrument systems efis following egt parameters may be displayed 1 instantaneous egt2 commanded egt3 maximum continuous egt limit4 maximum take off egt limitthe combination that regroups all of correct statements Red flight enveloppe system limits green autopilot or flight director engaged modes. Cqb15 may 2012 electronic flight instrument systems (efis) composed the primary flight display (pfd) or electronic attitude director indicator (eadi) navigation display (nd) or electronic horizontal situation indicator (ehsi) the engine parameters crew warnings aircraft systems procedure mission display systems engine parameters crew warnings aircraft systems procedures display systems are multi function display unit (mfdu) engine indication crew alerting systems (eicas) engine warning display (ewd) electronic centralised aircraft monitor (ecam) 1 exhaust gas temperature (egt) redlines displayed (red) maximum takeoff egt limit 2 exhaust gas temperature (egt) amber bands displayed (amber) lower end of band displays maximum continuous egt limit 3 exhaust gas temperature (egt) start limit lines displayed (red) until engine achieves stabilized idle (approximately 59% n2) 4 exhaust gas temperature (egt) readouts (digital) displayed (white) normal operating range (degrees c) displayed (amber) maximum continuous limit exceeded color change inhibited up to 5 minutes during takeoff or go around displayed (red) maximum takeoff limit or start limit exceeded on ground after both engines are shut down red box indicates an exceedance has occurred 5 exhaust gas temperature (egt) indications displayed (white) normal operating range displayed (amber) maximum continuous limit exceeded color change inhibited for up to 5 minutes during takeoff or go?around displayed (red) maximum takeoff limit or start limit exceeded.

  • Question 61-26

    The following information can be displayed on navigation display nd with map or arc mode 1 selected and current heading2 next waypoint distance3 weather radar information4 autopilot mode5 landing capacitythe combination regrouping all correct statements Red flight enveloppe system limits green autopilot or flight director engaged modes. Revised ecqb03 july 2016 the following information that can be displayed with map (or arc) mode on a navigation display (nd) unit selected current track selected current heading (magnetic or true north reference) cross track error origin destination airport with runway selected bearings to or from tuned selected stations active and/or secondary flight plan range marks ground speed tas ground speed wind direction speed next waypoint distance estimated time of arrival additional navigation facilities (sta) waypoint (wpt) airports (arpt) weather radar information traffic information from acas (tcas) terrain information from taws or htaws (egpws) failure flags messages.

  • Question 61-27

    On an electronic flight instrument system efis following fuel data may be displayed 1 fuel density2 fuel quantity in each tank3 total fuel quantity4 fuel temperaturethe combination regrouping all correct statements Red flight enveloppe system limits green autopilot or flight director engaged modes. Revised ecqb03 july 2016 the following information that can be displayed with map (or arc) mode on a navigation display (nd) unit selected current track selected current heading (magnetic or true north reference) cross track error origin destination airport with runway selected bearings to or from tuned selected stations active and/or secondary flight plan range marks ground speed tas ground speed wind direction speed next waypoint distance estimated time of arrival additional navigation facilities (sta) waypoint (wpt) airports (arpt) weather radar information traffic information from acas (tcas) terrain information from taws or htaws (egpws) failure flags messages.

  • Question 61-28

    The following information can be displayed on a primary flight display pfd 1 attitude2 maximum airspeed warning3 selected heading4 decision height5 ground speedthe combination regrouping all correct statements Red flight enveloppe system limits green autopilot or flight director engaged modes. Cqb15 august 2012 the following information can be displayed on primary flight display (pfd) unit flight mode annunciation basic t (attitude ias altitude heading/track indications) vertical speed maximum airspeed warning selected airspeed speed trend vector selected altitude current barometric reference steering indications (fd command bars) selected heading flight path vector (fpv) radio altitude decision height ils indications acas (tcas) indications failure flags messages for large aeroplane (atpl learning objectives only) pfd can also displayed take off landing reference speeds minimum airspeed lower selectable airspeed mach number.

  • Question 61-29

    The following information can be displayed on a primary flight display pfd 1 ias2 vertical speed3 tas4 selected airspeed5 radio altitudethe combination that regroups all of correct statements Red flight enveloppe system limits green autopilot or flight director engaged modes. Ecqb03 july 2016 the following information can be displayed on primary flight display (pfd) unit flight mode annunciation basic t (attitude ias altitude heading/track indications) vertical speed maximum airspeed warning selected airspeed speed trend vector selected altitude current barometric reference steering indications (fd command bars) selected heading flight path vector (fpv) radio altitude decision height ils indications acas (tcas) indications failure flags messages for large aeroplane (atpl learning objectives only) pfd can also displayed take off landing reference speeds minimum airspeed lower selectable airspeed mach number.

  • Question 61-30

    The following information can be displayed on a primary flight display pfd 1 traffic information from acas2 flight path vector3 altitude4 ils indications5 lower selectable airspeedthe combination that regroups all of correct statements Red flight enveloppe system limits green autopilot or flight director engaged modes. Ecqb03 july 2016 the following information can be displayed on primary flight display (pfd) unit flight mode annunciation basic t (attitude ias altitude heading/track indications) vertical speed maximum airspeed warning selected airspeed speed trend vector selected altitude current barometric reference steering indications (fd command bars) selected heading flight path vector (fpv) radio altitude decision height ils indications acas (tcas) indications failure flags messages for large aeroplane (atpl learning objectives only) pfd can also displayed take off landing reference speeds minimum airspeed lower selectable airspeed mach number.

  • Question 61-31

    The following information can be displayed on navigation display nd with map or arc mode 1 selected and current track2 decision height3 tas4 ground speed5 wind direction and speedthe combination that regroups all of correct statements Red flight enveloppe system limits green autopilot or flight director engaged modes. Ecqb03 july 2016 the following information that can be displayed with map (or arc) mode on a navigation display (nd) unit selected current track selected current heading (magnetic or true north reference) cross track error origin destination airport with runway selected bearings to or from tuned selected stations active and/or secondary flight plan range marks ground speed tas ground speed wind direction speed next waypoint distance estimated time of arrival additional navigation facilities (sta) waypoint (wpt) airports (arpt) weather radar information traffic information from acas (tcas) terrain information from taws or htaws (egpws) failure flags messages.

  • Question 61-32

    On an electronic flight instrument system efis following egt parameters may be displayed 1 instantaneous egt2 maximum continuous egt3 maximum takeoff egt limit4 maximum start egt limitthe combination that regroups all of correct statements Red flight enveloppe system limits green autopilot or flight director engaged modes. Ecqb03 july 2016 warning! this question in database (n°995) with following statements 1 instantaneous egt 2 commanded egt 3 maximum continuous egt limit 4 maximum take off egt limi in this case correct combination 1 3 4 electronic flight instrument systems (efis) composed the primary flight display (pfd) or electronic attitude director indicator (eadi) navigation display (nd) or electronic horizontal situation indicator (ehsi) the engine parameters crew warnings aircraft systems procedure mission display systems engine parameters crew warnings aircraft systems procedures display systems are multi function display unit (mfdu) engine indication crew alerting systems (eicas) engine warning display (ewd) electronic centralised aircraft monitor (ecam) 1 exhaust gas temperature (egt) redlines displayed (red) maximum takeoff egt limit 2 exhaust gas temperature (egt) amber bands displayed (amber) lower end of band displays maximum continuous egt limit 3 exhaust gas temperature (egt) start limit lines displayed (red) until engine achieves stabilized idle (approximately 59% n2) 4 exhaust gas temperature (egt) readouts (digital) displayed (white) normal operating range (degrees c) displayed (amber) maximum continuous limit exceeded color change inhibited up to 5 minutes during takeoff or go around displayed (red) maximum takeoff limit or start limit exceeded on ground after both engines are shut down red box indicates an exceedance has occurred 5 exhaust gas temperature (egt) indications displayed (white) normal operating range displayed (amber) maximum continuous limit exceeded color change inhibited for up to 5 minutes during takeoff or go?around displayed (red) maximum takeoff limit or start limit exceeded.

  • Question 61-33

    What can be interpreted from flight path vector fpv Red flight enveloppe system limits green autopilot or flight director engaged modes. Ecqb03 july 2016 warning! this question in database (n°995) with following statements 1 instantaneous egt 2 commanded egt 3 maximum continuous egt limit 4 maximum take off egt limi in this case correct combination 1 3 4 electronic flight instrument systems (efis) composed the primary flight display (pfd) or electronic attitude director indicator (eadi) navigation display (nd) or electronic horizontal situation indicator (ehsi) the engine parameters crew warnings aircraft systems procedure mission display systems engine parameters crew warnings aircraft systems procedures display systems are multi function display unit (mfdu) engine indication crew alerting systems (eicas) engine warning display (ewd) electronic centralised aircraft monitor (ecam) 1 exhaust gas temperature (egt) redlines displayed (red) maximum takeoff egt limit 2 exhaust gas temperature (egt) amber bands displayed (amber) lower end of band displays maximum continuous egt limit 3 exhaust gas temperature (egt) start limit lines displayed (red) until engine achieves stabilized idle (approximately 59% n2) 4 exhaust gas temperature (egt) readouts (digital) displayed (white) normal operating range (degrees c) displayed (amber) maximum continuous limit exceeded color change inhibited up to 5 minutes during takeoff or go around displayed (red) maximum takeoff limit or start limit exceeded on ground after both engines are shut down red box indicates an exceedance has occurred 5 exhaust gas temperature (egt) indications displayed (white) normal operating range displayed (amber) maximum continuous limit exceeded color change inhibited for up to 5 minutes during takeoff or go?around displayed (red) maximum takeoff limit or start limit exceeded.

  • Question 61-34

    Except airplanes under 5 7 t airworthiness certificate of which subsequent to 31 march 1998 a flight data recording system must be able to store recorded data a minimum of last Red flight enveloppe system limits green autopilot or flight director engaged modes. Ecqb03 july 2016 warning! this question in database (n°995) with following statements 1 instantaneous egt 2 commanded egt 3 maximum continuous egt limit 4 maximum take off egt limi in this case correct combination 1 3 4 electronic flight instrument systems (efis) composed the primary flight display (pfd) or electronic attitude director indicator (eadi) navigation display (nd) or electronic horizontal situation indicator (ehsi) the engine parameters crew warnings aircraft systems procedure mission display systems engine parameters crew warnings aircraft systems procedures display systems are multi function display unit (mfdu) engine indication crew alerting systems (eicas) engine warning display (ewd) electronic centralised aircraft monitor (ecam) 1 exhaust gas temperature (egt) redlines displayed (red) maximum takeoff egt limit 2 exhaust gas temperature (egt) amber bands displayed (amber) lower end of band displays maximum continuous egt limit 3 exhaust gas temperature (egt) start limit lines displayed (red) until engine achieves stabilized idle (approximately 59% n2) 4 exhaust gas temperature (egt) readouts (digital) displayed (white) normal operating range (degrees c) displayed (amber) maximum continuous limit exceeded color change inhibited up to 5 minutes during takeoff or go around displayed (red) maximum takeoff limit or start limit exceeded on ground after both engines are shut down red box indicates an exceedance has occurred 5 exhaust gas temperature (egt) indications displayed (white) normal operating range displayed (amber) maximum continuous limit exceeded color change inhibited for up to 5 minutes during takeoff or go?around displayed (red) maximum takeoff limit or start limit exceeded.

  • Question 61-35

    The cvr cockpit voice recorder includes 1 a microphone2 a recorder in compliance with shock and fire resistance standards3 an independent battery4 a flight data recorderthe combination regrouping all correct statements Red flight enveloppe system limits green autopilot or flight director engaged modes. Eu ops 1 700 cockpit voice recorders a cockpit voice recorder which with reference to a time scale records voice communications transmitted from or received on flight deck radio the aural environment of flight deck voice communications of flight crew members on flight deck using aeroplane's interphone system voice or audio signals identifying navigation or approach aids voice communications of flight crew members on flight deck using public address system if installed in fact a cockpit voice recorder needs plenty of microphone ! the cvr must be crash resistant the cvr doesn't have a battery his power comes from airplane electrical system a flight data recorder similar to a cvr unless it records data (time altitude attitude heading airspeed engine power ) the cvr must be fitted with a device to assist in locating it in water but battery of this device not a battery the cvr work.

  • Question 61-36

    On a modern transport category aeroplane engagement of automatic pilot checked on display of The pfd (primary flight display). Eu ops 1 700 cockpit voice recorders a cockpit voice recorder which with reference to a time scale records voice communications transmitted from or received on flight deck radio the aural environment of flight deck voice communications of flight crew members on flight deck using aeroplane's interphone system voice or audio signals identifying navigation or approach aids voice communications of flight crew members on flight deck using public address system if installed in fact a cockpit voice recorder needs plenty of microphone ! the cvr must be crash resistant the cvr doesn't have a battery his power comes from airplane electrical system a flight data recorder similar to a cvr unless it records data (time altitude attitude heading airspeed engine power ) the cvr must be fitted with a device to assist in locating it in water but battery of this device not a battery the cvr work.

  • Question 61-37

    According to cs25 a cvr cockpit voice recorder must record 1 communications transmitted from or received in aeroplane radio 2 communications of flight crew members on flight deck via area microphone 3 communications of flight crew members on flight deck using aeroplane's interphone system 4 audio signals identifying navigation or approach aids introduced into a headset or speakerthe combination regrouping all correct statements The pfd (primary flight display). Eu ops 1 700 cockpit voice recorders a cockpit voice recorder which with reference to a time scale records voice communications transmitted from or received on flight deck radio the aural environment of flight deck voice communications of flight crew members on flight deck using aeroplane's interphone system voice or audio signals identifying navigation or approach aids voice communications of flight crew members on flight deck using public address system if installed in fact a cockpit voice recorder needs plenty of microphone ! the cvr must be crash resistant the cvr doesn't have a battery his power comes from airplane electrical system a flight data recorder similar to a cvr unless it records data (time altitude attitude heading airspeed engine power ) the cvr must be fitted with a device to assist in locating it in water but battery of this device not a battery the cvr work.

  • Question 61-38

    The purpose of flight data recorder fdr to record specific parameters such as 1 pressure altitude2 propulsive/thrust power on each engine3 audio environment in flight deck4 headingthe combination that regroups all of correct statements The pfd (primary flight display). Cqb15 may 2012 the following main parameters are recorded on fdr time or relative time count attitude (pitch roll) airspeed pressure altitude heading normal acceleration propulsive/thrust power on each engine cockpit thrust/power lever position if applicable flaps/slats configuration or cockpit selection ground spoilers and/or speed brake selection the audio environment in flight deck recorded on cvr (cockpit voice recorder).

  • Question 61-39

    The purpose of flight data recorder fdr to record specific parameters such as 1 time2 attitude3 airspeed4 flaps/slats configurationthe combination that regroups all of correct statements The pfd (primary flight display). Cqb15 may 2012 the following main parameters are recorded on fdr time or relative time count attitude (pitch roll) airspeed pressure altitude heading normal acceleration propulsive/thrust power on each engine cockpit thrust/power lever position if applicable flaps/slats configuration or cockpit selection ground spoilers and/or speed brake selection.

  • Question 61-40

    The purpose of cockpit voice recorder cvr to record 1 communications transmitted or received radio2 communications of crew members using public address system3 some air data parametersthe combination that regroups all of correct statements The pfd (primary flight display). Revised ecqb03 july 2016 the main parameters recorded on cvr are voice communications transmitted from or received on flight deck aural environment of flight deck voice communication of flight crew members using aeroplane's interphone system voice or audio signals introduced into a headset or speaker voice communication of flight crew members using public address system when installed.

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